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Everything posted by slade

  1. see kings troop in photo above i was in the kings troop 1966- 71 thats them on horses lol
  2. having lived by ghost house lane and being a paranormal investigator i researched the lane (ghost hunted) and found nothing there not to say it isnt haunted like the myth says but it wasnt around us when we were there
  3. i used to frequent the white hart in the early 60s i was a notts aces member too and 59 club member when i moved to London i was also a member of a certain group run by Friar who remembers bear and Big Rog from Northants and ivan who shaved half his hair and beard off at xmas and would have a suit that wasw half biker and half gentleman !rotfl!
  4. i remember my saturday nights in worros that scrumpy was a killer i was found presumed dead in a garden in Lenton Abbey by police and they even took me home lol