Cliff Ton

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Everything posted by Cliff Ton

  1. Yesterday evening BBC2 showed the Don't tell 'em Pike episode, and it's now on iPlayer.
  2. I never paid any attention to Dad's Army when it was first shown; I was young and it seemed to be for - and about - old people. Now I'm older I've watched it on various repeat broadcasts and I like it. I'm not sure if that's just because of my age now.
  3. That is almost certainly the same place as the Aikido Centre. The numbering fits, and its main entrance could've been on Wilford Road.
  4. Is/was it this place ? That's a building I remember from my childhood in the 60s because some of the buses from Clifton to Nottingham went past there. I've always remembered it as 'Walsall Conduits' because that was the name on the side of the building for many years. When I was 8 or 9 I had no idea what a Conduit was, although I knew there was a place named Walsall.
  5. A follow-up to what I posted a couple of weeks ago re: Google searches bringing up links to Nottstalgia. It didn't all happen overnight and I've been testing various topics to see if/when they appeared, and today I've finally seen a link to Nottstalgia if you search for Berridge School Nottingham. It'll be interesting to see if it opens any floodgates.
  6. A few weeks ago Talking Pictures started showing the surviving episodes of Dixon of Dock Green. They look incredibly slow and polite now; showing a cosy, comfy world which may or may not have ever really existed. Jack Warner (George Dixon) was never going to be any kind of Action Man, but you wonder what he actually did on a normal working day.
  7. More photos and information on the subject from the St Ann's website.
  8. It definitely has closed.
  9. All eight episodes (8 x 30 mins) of Owl Service are on Youtube, and I’ve semi-binge watched them over the last few days, first time for 50+ years. It’s even stranger than I remembered; eg. the creepy gardener. The original story is weird and complicated, and the TV version doesn’t make things any easier. I defy anyone to explain or understand what’s going on. And I don’t see it as children’s TV; several of the lead characters are teenagers, but it’s worlds away from any other children’s programme ever broadcast. They certainly don’t make them like they used
  10. ....and depending on exactly where you are it was accompanied by a massive murmuration of starlings.
  11. I'd missed the news about it possibly closing down, but it's here on the unreadable Evening Post website. It seems the owners have gone into liquidation, affecting other venues as well as PRYZM/Palais.
  12. I also have memories of The Owl Service. I first encountered it in my 3rd or 4th year at Fairham Comp; we read it as a class book and nobody understood what was happening. It was around the same time as the TV series - which I watched, and that didn't make things any clearer. I'd like to know what Alan Garner was on when he wrote it. He had a very strange idea of what was suitable for teenagers - and I was one at the time.
  13. I've been on Amlodipine 10mg for around 15 years, and I'm still here.
  14. This is Byron Yard (running down the side of Lord Byron pub) and Kirk’s Yard. The road across the top is Narrow Marsh, aka Red Lion Street, and now known as Cliff Road. For a present day reference, at top-centre is Loggerhead Inn. That building is still there today, but no longer a pub. And this is the scene today, with Loggerhead on the right.
  15. There was also a female presenter on name I remember is Bunty James.
  16. We didn't have a television until I was around 10 or 11. Prior to that, everything I saw was in the homes of friends or relatives, so I was limited in what I saw. My earliest memories are at my grandma's house and three specific programmes; Billy Bunter, with Gerald Campion Lunchbox, with Noele Gordon (later in Crossroads) and Horse Racing on a weekday afternoon, which I found incredibly boring then and still think it's boring now.
  17. Me too. Even when I was very young I thought that Bill & Ben were stupid and childish - especially with their flobolob language. Strangely I thought that Andy Pandy was ok, because it was more realistic.
  18. I've edited the previous post from DJ360 because it had caused problems with the format and layout of the page and site. It seems likely the problem occurred because the original post was too big for the Reply box to cope with. I don't think the question has ever arisen before, but there is presumably a limit to the number of Quotes and Characters which the system can accommodate. If anyone feels the need to say so much again, it's best to split everything into a number of consecutive posts rather than cramming it all into one mega-post.
  19. Even Paul Simon himself doesn't remember exactly where it was, but Widnes is a good bet.
  20. For all the cat people here. Nothing to do with Nottingham, but this is very clever. (You need to be on Facebook to see it).
  21. This is the Shirley Abicair song. But the song about "...swam and they swam right over the dam...." is another song, which was recorded by many different people.
  22. @Brew Nice to hear he's ok, although he seems to be doing well despite the NHS bureaucracy, rather than because of it.
  23. That Marsdens..... ....has been mentioned here before in the other thread. Ben gets everywhere.