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About sjdean

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  1. Same here. Im all for privacy. But the house has been used for a show, it's pictures in loads of Upper Hand videos on the internet, on DVD, pictured on the DVD Sleeve. The main issue is that if you Google, there's zero link between The Upper Hand and that house. It's not public knowledge. So if you Google for the name of the real house, it's easy to find. You can also search for the Upper Hand, but the two simply aren't linked. At the moment. The lady is quite obviously a bit nervous, and I fully agreed with that. But to claim that there's some kind of restriction on pictures of her house bei
  2. Mm hmm. Two connecting pieces of information posted there. I think that is now public domain enough for me to post, and one only has to search for Alan Combellack to find the address. The person who lives there now, seems concerned that any of this is in the public domain. Im just quite glad I didn't break the ice here first. Thanks to DJBrenton and NewBasfordlad
  3. I've found the house, but the person who lives there said there's a restriction on publishing pictures of her house for security reasons. Better recall the DVD's that were released then and all the videos on the internet. I think the real problem would be linking the picture to the address, rather than the picture itself. Im umming and ahhing whether to release the information, but I think I'll respect the privacy concerns for now and not share. It's a tory councillor too, so, I met get one of David Camerons cronies banging on my door at 5.30 in the morning for terrorism charges or something
  4. Sigh. not another one of these question... Im aware Central TV had a base in Nottingham and pretty impressive studios at the time. Im a big fan of the Upper Hand which featured several scenes around Nottingham if I recall correctly. Im just wondering if anybody here can remember any more because I've trawled the internet and can't find a sausage. Ideally, I'd love to try and find the house which, unless they really did find it out on location in "Henley on Thames", then I would suspect it's in a smaller village outside Nottingham somewhere. Potentially it's been transformed into millions of