Dave 48

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Everything posted by Dave 48

  1. Spot on with that FLY as mentioned in above .
  2. Best wishes to you both Michael and now you can see some light at the end of a very long tunnel.
  3. Sorry yes that group was from Newcastle but you may be interested in the article below which I believe is written by the guy who was the drummer in The Junco Partners. http://rockcriticsarchives.com/interviews/richardwilliams/01.html
  4. # 88 Yes it was Stephen along with " Hello Honky Tonks"
  5. Dave 48

    Tom Graveney

    Good cricketer....Rip Tom
  6. Dave 48

    Colin Welland

    Do remember him in Z Cars and Kes......RIP Colin
  7. Found this PP But not much else. http://www.soundhound.com/?ar=200220765888690949
  8. Here you are Den a potted history of Strelley Village. I have lived here for 16 years and didn't know a fraction of this stuff. http://www.strelley.com/strelley-hall-history.html
  9. Thinking of you both Michael. Hope everything goes well.
  10. #398. MM you are so right about David Ruffin. His voice makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. This is a particular favourite of mine.
  11. #55 No they are two different ponds. This article explains the history. https://louisejaynemunton.wordpress.com/2014/12/09/martins-pond-harrisons-plantation-and-raleigh-pond/
  12. #486. I know exactly how you feel Mick. I went 10 months early but I did have the finances to do it, but it did mean living off one of my life insurance policies for that period of time until my state pension kicked in but I never regretted it.
  13. #45 Went in there a few times. http://www.lentontimes.co.uk/images/gallery/gregory_street/gregory_red_cow.jpg
  14. I'm playing all the right notes......but not necessarily in the right order. Eric Morcambe
  15. #16 Hi Mary dingbat 45 posted the original post in 2004 and has not been active on the site since 2005.
  16. #59. Closed in 2009 Mary. http://www.nottinghampost.com/orders-pubs-proud-history/story-12173200-detail/story.html
  17. #11 Just for you Fly.
  18. http://d28septx7rf3dp.cloudfront.net/sites/default/files/ifimage/white-truffles.jpg Just to confirm the above.
  19. https://www.yeoman-yarns.co.uk/default.aspx #1 Not found anything in Nottingham but there must be some. The one here is in Leicester.
  20. If you don't recognise the number ignore it, then google it and you will find out from other people who have had a call from that number who it is, then block it.
  21. http://www.thedrinkshop.com/products/nlpdetail.php?prodid=1160 # 18 Here you go Fly2 Indulge.
  22. https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/tutorials.html Have you read this Smiffy49
  23. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-34575364 Interesting report that came out today.