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Everything posted by swe62

  1. For some strange reason I can remember that Cathys Clown was numbered WB1and was the first record that Warner Brothers issued,(I can,t remember what I had for tea yesterday though)
  2. the new Shippos contains non of the ingredient that had the collosal laxative effect that the Greenalls version had
  3. I must pay a visit for old times sake,Is the Vale Social Club still running ? I used to go there with my grandad.
  4. thanks. will try a couple didn,t the willowbrook start out as theBrooklyn Club ,Dennis Coxon steward I think, I went in there in the 50s with my Dad n Mum
  5. where,s flipside brewed,and who keeps it? ta
  6. what for a dog end ? judge jeffries is reborn
  7. And commit the awful crime of dropping a dog end in Nottingham city centre you can be fined £600 ,drive your car with no insurance and its about £100 it seems potty to me
  8. like the Kerrigan family on tele the other night ,unbelievable short of shopping money and riding home in taxies!
  9. what do you think is the best locally brewed beer ,my favourite is Nottingham Brewerys Legend bitter,its 4% dark and it tastes great,The new Shipstones is pretty good too.
  10. Catfan was PC Dogma the attending officer
  11. I wasn,t old enough for a motorbike The best I could offer was a croggy on my rusty steed!
  12. I wrote to Princess Anne asking for a date ,the letter must have been lost in the post as I had no reply
  13. when they are open,at least blokes can sneak away pretty easily I feel soorry for lasses
  14. I never wanted a motor bike but our next door neighbour was selling his1939 500triumph T100 sidecar outfit ,he was the woodwork teacher at Bramcote Tech,It cost me five quid plus nine to insure it ,you could ride a sidecar on L plates in those days and legally carry a passenger or two,I had it for about a year ,And Ive had a bike. ever since I,ve still got about nine .the t100 was a long time ago now
  15. no lizzie I raced vintage triumphs 14years of fun ,I hated packing it in and can,t bear even to go to the meetings anymore so its going to be back to the drag racing
  16. they closed the toilets and then the police nick people for urinating in public what are you supposed to do if taken short assuming pubs etc are closed
  17. I keep out of Nottingham these days as a protest against the WPL NET BID and all the other unasked for rip offs the elected body have forced upon us! I hate it all so much its not the town I was raised in anymore.