Al Duff

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About Al Duff

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    I specialize in generalizations

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  1. Agreed: that is rotten luck. Getting closer though.
  2. Does anyone have any intel on Prestwick you could share, please? Chippies (especially ones with good mushy peas, a Nottingham speciality I recall), sights, anything.
  3. Sorry, Brew. None of your points stands up, but I cannot devote more time to proving this. If you'd like to organise a face to face debate, I'd be up for that, however. Best wishes.
  4. I Many nice day trips in Weston super Mare, but beware that beach which I nearly sank into once, trying to get to sea. Imagine drowning on the beach, not even the sea!
  5. The evidence: where do I start? Scotland's history, its natural resources, its educational system (remember, since you keep accusing me of assertions without evidence, I cited its 4 universities to England's 2, with a 10th of the population, for 400 years)., etc, etc. The onus is on you to produce evidence, since it is you who are denying the fundamental human right of national self-determination. 'Possibly'. No, probably. Look at the history of self-determination movements. Can you name any that failed? 'It's for me to judge'. Sure, I was only trying to hel
  6. You say you do not quarrel, but if you fire off words like 'simplistic' and 'you don't understand the basics' you will cause quarrels! That was the only reason I mentioned I taught politics. But to be honest I don't have time for fully-fledged political discussions, so if you don't mind I will bow out, no hard feelings.
  7. The Playhouse Bar is/was separate from the theatre. I don't recall any freebie dispensers, just rows of bottles and some above-average seating. But my memory is hazy!
  8. The Scottish independence cause is fully supported by cogent data and arguments. It will soon be won, so you are wasting your breath. And my time.
  9. It's not difficult. Scotland - Scotland, no less - is more than capable of independence. All your points are pettifogging rationisations of the status quo. If you lived up here, you would see how silly you sound!
  10. Well, I'm still waiting for Barcelona to sign me up. Have been for 40 years and counting...
  11. I live only a few cabers' tosses from the Falkirk Wheel. Wonder of the modern age, to be sure, to be sure...
  12. Sorry, didn't know you didn't support Forest--not a preposterous guess on Nottstalgia, albeit Notts County is the team with a longer history....
  13. Nice mask, Beekay. Do you you think Forest will be promoted?