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Everything posted by Brew

  1. I have no intention of attending a protest if it's against Brexit. I did say earlier I hope it remains focussed. My protest will be purely to support those who think an unelected Johnson and his cronies are usurping Parliament. Brexit should be decided by Parliament - that can't happen if Johnson shuts down Westminster. For the hard of understanding it means I don't want to see this country turned into a dictatorship - Brexit or no Brexit. I can think of one benefit, at least it will see leavers quit their sneering.
  2. Well done and thank you for that. It will be 12 ish before I get there but get there I will. I haven't protested against anything since my student days in the 60's and the civil rights movement. I just hope it doesn't become anti - everything the way it did back then...
  3. I've read the warnings before but had no idea of the results or consequences of doing so..
  4. Oh go on... I'm sure it will make his day.....
  5. Swarfega was reformulated after fears it removed natural oils from skin, not sure when but Deb chemicals, the manufacturers, was sold some years ago to a London investment group so probably has little of the original ingredients left in this age of elf n safety.
  6. Manifestos, all of them, are little more than unattainable pie in the sky. Like many political theories they are long on ideals, short on pragmatism but good for keeping the weak minded on song. Corbyn is described as hard/far left by many writers and commentators and I have yet read a good argument against it. There is no formal definition, 'far' is an indeterminate measure but most people understand the sobriquet. However I would suggest articles he and his chum McDonnell have written in the past are closer to the extreme left than the center. How can I conclude he would lea
  7. Now I know for sure you are the spawn of Satan!
  8. When Clifton was built there were strict standards on room numbers and sizes etc. Each house was supposed to have a reasonable sized garden to encourage vegetable growing.
  9. Nay nay lad thee can't have a flat cap unless there are ferrets close by and if you wear shorts Ben, - where you gonna keep 'em? dear lord what is the world coming to? It's them damn furriners frum dahn sarth in Boolwell cumin up 'ere with their fancy ideas..... taint right I tells yer, taint right at all. You'll be tellin me next you don't wear proper string vests!
  10. I agree with Patten. Corbyn IS hard left (hard left/far left, same thing). As for manifesto it is nothing more than an idealistic set of goals that cannot be delivered, in legal terms it's nothing more than 'sales puff' and no one is expected to take it seriously. I don't nor i suspect do many others who are not radical romantics with their heads in a cloud. It's an uncomplicated situation made complex by those who try to muddy the waters with nuances that in reality have no bearing and carry no weight.
  11. Is it only me that thinks Jeremy Corbyn is the one keeping the Blessed Boris in office? Were he not leader of the Labour party I'm convinced there would a vote of no confidence and Johnson would fall.
  12. Called in there around 7:30 every morning when I worked in Weekday Cross. I can honestly say they made the absolute worst tea in the city!
  13. I loved the place, they did 'proper' dinners, not just chips with everything and at reasonable prices. The nearest equivalent today is Bobbers Mill café.
  14. Intelligence gathering is far more than just harvesting your e-mail address. As individuals you're probably correct but the profiles they build of populations could help them with whatever scheme they may or may not have. Do we or will we ever know what data our PC/Mac/Phone/Modem is relaying about us? Going to stop now and get off my hobby horse before I go full conspiracy theorist.
  15. Experian mining for information I can understand but what data is a Chinese technology giant hoping to find? Make me wonder whether all the fuss about Huawei and security has some foundation. We know about Microsoft, Google and other overt sites spying on us (they force us to agree to it) but the number of covert ones that do not have permission is worrying - big brother draws ever closer.
  16. Never liked it,, didn't like Stevie Wonder. His music is way to fussy and overly complex for my taste.
  17. SOME people just have no modesty!
  18. Hah! tell that to my fingers, they find it impossible to keep up with my brain..
  19. 200 wpm That set me thinking so I took an online typing speed test 125 Characters in one minute 25 Words in one minute 17 errors Adjusted speed .... 8! Your crown is safe.. Anyone fancy a go? :
  20. Think about it. We were given two, facetious and abstemious. Simply adding ly to the ends gives two more though I thought of using the second only after I pressed send. The word affectious I use occasionally, usually in the form of an insult...
  21. One could be facetious and facetiously mention Ms Sparrows word 'abstemious' but that would possibly be a little affectious...
  22. What is it with females and spiders? I was busy earlier defending the world from the forces of darkness and evil when a shriek told me my services as chief spider eviction agent was required downstairs. Open the door, gently cup you hand over him and he obligingly climbs on so you can let him out, simples!