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Everything posted by Brew

  1. Hunt made a surprisingly good speech with some good points, some obscure reasoning, some humour (even Starmer laughed), some barbs against Raynor taking advantage of Thatchers right to buy, and a decent smoke screen. It was fairly complex and may yet prove to be a poison chalice for Labour. His aspirations and predictions for what the budget will achieve are a wish list and highly unlikely to come to fruition; but we can say that about every budget. He may also be paying it forward to give the Tories in opposition ammunition when Labour have to cancel or rescind all or part of
  2. They have a shelf life and its not long
  3. The vampire has long gone and yes the outside is tatty. Inside you wont see many changes at all, I think army surplus days are done now. A lot of what they sell looks like it's repo and quite expensive
  4. Has to be my favourite but has to be the right time and place, as for Mozart I've never heard of anyone before who did like his clarinet concerto
  5. My brother lives in Belper, nice little town, I live in Heanor. Should Derbyshire have a backside and a pimple... Heanor would be the pimple.
  6. True, but the principle remains the same. RSPB, SCOPE, Woodland Trust +++ and ETON are all 'charities'. Only ETON do not make political donations but by the rules it would be OK if they did. Lobbying to further their aims is one thing. (though lobbying a 'think tank' seems somewhat dubious), but donating money given by those who are unaware of the fact is to my mind not lobbying at all. even union subscriptions have an opt out. But this is going nowhere..... I was simply surprised at the amount the Fabians accept from charities. Although Looking at
  7. Maybe it's an inheritance and she's in the Caribbean asking how you want her to spend your half
  8. Ask him for more information, where,what why,
  9. I've typed it in but it doesn't work
  10. Links will not work from screenshots BK. Try typing as in a normal post
  11. does if you go fast enough...
  12. Ah right... you have a down on who contributes: Quote: Our policy is to leave it to our funders to decide whether to disclose their support. Many do choose to do so, which we welcome. For example, Jersey Finance contributed towards our programme on offshore financial centres (publicised here), and historically our work on the NHS has been funded by the John Templeton Foundation (publicised here). Much of our funding from businesses also takes the form of sponsorship of events or competitions, and payments for attending conferences – activities, open to the public,
  13. I always thought them pretentious but a mission statement was virtually de rigueur in the 90's for every company bigger than a hotdog stand. The fact you don't like the way they use the word is largely irrelevant and doesn't make it less of a mission. No you did by referring to members paying with their expenses. Some thing all MPs can do and claim it as tax deductible.
  14. but the RSPB started years ago... and how many popping money in the rattle tin know where the money goes? and you'd be quite happy for Eton to donate to the Tory party
  15. There go Col, dip yer bread... We publish our trustees reports and audited financial statements on the Charity Commission website and they are also available via Companies House. Our latest accounts show an income in 2022/23 of a little over £2.3 million.
  16. Why not use the Fergie?
  17. And your missing my point they all use the ambiguous corporate speak. High level language that doesn't actually say anything, Corbyn was a master. -- A mission statement (a bit out of fashion now days) is just that, you can't say it's called a mission but it isn't really, if they say it is then that's exactly what it is and arguing semantics won't change it. Tax deductible members fees are an attraction to all parties and gives the recipient not only the fee but also a tax rebate, nothing untoward there
  18. Most media for fear of the backlash. Who's claiming extermination? Who is using the highly emotive term genocide?... well that would Hamas, and Hezbollah (who are quietly hoping the IDF destroy Hamas and they can fill the power vacuum),. Hamas the people who openly declare they want Israel wiped of the map, the ones who started this mess. And yet one picture of an old lady crying in the ruin of her and it's the fault of the jews. This really can be solved very easily. All the authorise in Gaza need to is extradite those responsible and let the law take it's course. show the w
  19. You're on a roll there Col with a good old fashioned far left rant and interpretation of what you yourself admitted is a fairly innocuous mission statement. It's perhaps worth pointing out membership fees are tax deductible. And by contrast the latest Labour think tank, Labour Together, came up with this: "Labour Together is a think tank offering bold ideas for Britain under a Labour government". Which actually translates as "We don't publish what they are because we haven't actually thought of any yet, and we don't talk about Northern Ireland b
  20. Who said anything about disorder? My point is the size, scope and cost of the Gaza protest has a degree of 'professionalism' not seen at other such protests. At least one of the leaders is known to have associations with Hamas which leas onto my point, failure to recognise antisemitism as a driving force is naïve. I did and i do. i even went to the protest in Nottingham - the turn out was pathetic. His rant on British Values is nonsense. What have a disagreement with EU green Deal got to do with being British? or speed limits, or proportional representatio
  21. And an excellent writer too...
  22. Didn't dear old Albert define insanity as doing the same thing more than once and expecting a different result?
  23. It's no good telling me now it's best done under supervision is it!!!??
  24. I have long admired young trogg for his devotion to washing, ironing and all things domestic. Today in homage to my hero I emptied the dishwasher and put it all away. It's the first time doing so since the kitchen refurbishment was completed and apparently I stowed everything in the wrong place, even the cutlery. Far from earning brownie points I'm in the doghouse as "even and idiot couldn't get it wrong". Not sure if I should demote trogg for setting a bad example or promote him to superstar
  25. I can't, as you'd expect, agree, I don't think he does anything of the sort. Marshall is not unintelligent and an experienced author on some complex topics. Had he meant to create a word based scatter diagram I'm sure he would have said do so in order that we of the great unwashed would belter understand it. To my mind it was so woolly you have constructed the scatter map theory to aid yourself in interpreting it, it's the only way it makes sense to you. Try to see it as we see it. no added bells and whistles, no unnecessary interpretations, see it for what it is and give him cre