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Everything posted by woody

  1. It is a case of the do gooders and pacifists doing immeasurable damage to society with their half brained ideas. If the punishment isn't a deterrant then it needs to be increased until it is. Never mind the usual bleat about human rights, they are what normal law respecting people should expect to be honoured, not the low life criminal fraternity.
  2. I am still looking for my five!!
  3. The French have never forgiven us for Agincourt .
  4. Round the Horn was always a favourite as was The Navy Lark
  5. Quite often you find the ones who complain about lack of integration are the ones who resist it most.
  6. Same problem in a lot of places. Populations afe becoming so diluted with outsiders we are all losing our identities and national pride.
  7. The red tape that confronts people trying to communicate is beyond a joke. A friend of mine was trying to get BT to cancel her deceased mother's phone line but the operator insisted nothing could be done without speaking to the account holder. When my friend asked them if they would pay for the seance if she arranged it they were speechless. What planet do these people belong to?
  8. See Gary Lineker is poking his nose into politics again. For a very average broadcaster he has far too much to say about private matters. I thought he had been put in his place after the last outburst but obviously not. High time the licence fee was scrapped instead of overpaying so called celebrities who are supposed to be neutral but still want to do their own thing. As Lee Anderson said , he should stick to selling crisps.
  9. As the actions of various groups around the country proved when fireworks and petrol bombs were used as weapons. If that is not a good enough reason to say enough is enough and ban private sales of fireworks I would ask why not.
  10. Having to endure another night of dogs being terrified by fireworks leads me to believe some people have more money than sense. The problem is coming from private sites and I have my own thoughts on where the fireworks should be put. I would also be prepared to light them. In this day and age there is no need for this ridiculous performance each year, it is more like living in a war zone than a supposed civilised country.
  11. From experience I can confirm despite your reason for being there Friday night in QMC a&e is more entertaining than anything on the telly. Glad you survived to tell the tale Brew.
  12. Incredible how so many people can have the same speech impediment.
  13. Really enjoying the repeats of In sickness and in health on cable. Never thought they would show that again for fear of upsetting the politically correct brigade.
  14. In general it shows a lack of command of the Queen's english. I suppose that should now be the King's english.
  15. With you all the way. If the judges won't do the job efficiently get rid of them and put somebody there that will. All you hear is "I have got rights". The people who have rights are the law abiding members of society, not the little urban terrorists that abuse the system.
  16. Never too early to teach discipline, pity the little oik's parents didn't do it earlier. Hopefully he will not contribute to the gene pool.
  17. When I was a foreman in an engineering factory we were bought out by another firm. They were run by accountants who did not have the faintest idea what engineering was . Their ideas were totally unworkable and nigh on destroyed the company. Their contempt for the workforce was unbelievable. I had worked there for over twenty years, having worked my way up from being a green apprentice and did not agree with a lot I was being told to do. I had a good team of workers under me who knew that I would be reasonable to work for and I had very little trouble until this shower took over. They then dec
  18. Should be given a punishment that not only sorts him out for life but is a warning to others that this sort of mindless vandalism will not be tolerated. If we do not get a grip on society very soon the slippery slope is going to get a lot steeper.
  19. My auntie had a doctor who believed in alternative medicine. She referred to her as the homeopathetic woman.
  20. Just up the road in Mucky 'ukna was another soft drinks manufacturer, Haslam Bros and round the corner was Jim Buckley's ice cream factory. What more could a kid ask for?