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Posts posted by woody

  1. When I was a kid , like most, I got spots. Not being known to do things by halves I virtually got spots on spots so my mother took me to the doctor. Nothing seemed to work so one Friday afternoon she literally dragged me into a shop that I was terrified of, the local herbalist. An old lady looked at me, gave me a packet of what looked like bottle green Smarties and the instruction to take one in a morning and another at night. Her parting words were to go and see her the following week. The following Friday I walked into that shop without a single spot on my face. That old lady would have run circles round todays doctors and you didn't have to wait to see her.

  2. I see that a statue of Sir Tom in Derbyshire has been defaced by protestors who thought they would further their cause by pouring urine over it. An absolute disgrace that cannot be tolerated. The picture of one of them stated she was a medical student, obviously a waste of public money educating her. Those identified should be arrested and charged with as many offences that can be pinned on them. No cause is made believable by these idiots and it must be made abundantly clear to them that society will not tolerate actions like this. If these are an example of a future generation who are going to run things God help them, such scum are not fit to polish the boots of men like Sir Tom who was an example to us all.

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  3. The tank that fell off the Lightening actually landed on the centre of Nottingham Road next door but one to our house. For many years you could see the mark on the road where it landed. I was about 10 at the time and came home from scool at lunch to find the area swarming with police and fire brigade. The whole area smelt strongly of kerosene and there were bits of tank everywhere, one small piece of which I still have. In those days you had to have two aerials if you had ITV and BBC, the flying debris sliced one of our cables in two but missed the other. It wasn't long before top brass from Derby arrived to inspect the damage and promise repairs. Our front lawn had to be dug up and replaced, the flower display that was provided for the summer was spectacular. The main thing was that nobody was injured, the only damage was cosmetic and was put right so all in all we got off lightly. If my memory serves me correctly the pilot was Canadian, name of Jim Jackson.

  4. Tattoos of any kind do not look good either on men or women. When the entire arm is done is the most repulsive to me, it doesn't look clean. I sat in my doctors pharmacy waiting for my prescription a couple of weeks ago when a nurse walked in. She must have been 60ish and had a big rose tattooed on the back of each calf, my immediate thought was they will look good when your backside is rubbing your footprints out in the sand. I cannot understand for the life of me why anyone would pay to have their body defaced. If skin was supposed to be multi coloured I am sure Mother Nature would have taken care of it. Trouble is people are like lemmings and will follow suit just to feel part of the gang.

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  5. Never enjoyed having a haircut but my mother always insisted it was done just before we went on holiday. One year I thought I had got away with it as we got to Mablethorpe without the dreaded chop. No such luck, part way through the week it was decided that I needed a trim and my dad as well. Between theflat where we stayed and the beach was a barber named Belas so in we went. He was a traditional barber who finished your cut with a cutthroat razor, the frightening part was the speed he used it. I hardly dared to breathe but the plus point was that his handywork lasted a lot longer than the barbers at home so it was worth it.

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