Carole Woddis

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  1. When I was very small, around 6 or 7, I was taken by a friend of my mother's for afternoon tea and kunzle cakes downstairs at the Odeon. The waitresses would have been decked out in black with white frilly aprons. But it's the tea pots I remember and the kunzle cakes - the tea pots were in mottled beaten ware, very typical of the 1950s period which you never see now. Anyone remember anything similar. And the organ in the centre of the room being played for afternoon tea?
  2. Saturday flics! There was a flea house up in Mapperley somewhere where I was living - it might well have been Saturday morning; double bills! cor - who remembers double-bills, the `B' feature and the main. But couldn't tell you anything I saw there. But absolutely remember seeing The Cruel Sea with my mother at the Odeon just up from the Market Square and I think a bunch of us went to see a musical at the same one, but which one? South Pacific maybe!
  3. I saw the reference to the El Toreador coffee bar. Brought back a sudden memory of how daring that used to seem, the rather dull brown liquid in those plasticky cups and saucers. But on a Saturday morning, it seemed so racey! I would have been about 14 or 15?