the importance of good manners.

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I would very much like your opinions of manners, if someone comes to visit your home - do you expect themto have any?

I only ask as I can't stand ignorance, I have a family member who whenever they visit, we all get ignored, theysit on their phone and literally lay on my sofa. Iv been told I'm out of order for saying 'if your going to ignore my 2 year old to sit on your phone. Don't bother visiting any more' this isn't a young person either.

Anyways, this isn't a rant. I just want to know what people expect form visiters etc.

I always keep my phone in my bag when out with friends or visiting someone in their home, I always say my pleases and thank yous... To be honest, I just thought it was a given.

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I would very much like your opinions of manners, if someone comes to visit your home - do you expect themto have any? I only ask as I can't stand ignorance, I have a family member who whenever they

A playgroup I used to go to thought I was too harsh on my daughter. Now I wasn't cruel, but I couldn't stand toddlers who didn't say thank you, eat with their mouths open and licked snit from their ru

I work for an agency anywhere that food is served. In ALL staff canteens the is but one ritual, particularly among young women. Sit down. Put plate of food down. Check phone. Have a mouthful of food.

I'd be inclined to go and fill a bucket with water, go back in, snatch the phone off them and toss it in the bucket of water.....LOL

NO, I'm dead serious!!

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I think being 12 is fine, they're all like it at that age. But being mid 50s is another story....

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Pixie- make you home a 'phoneless zone', warn all visitors, politely of course, that you expect a little respect & attention from visitors to your little piece of this green & sceptred land...........................................

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There are a lot of situations where people use their phones in an ignorant way. I am lucky, Most of my visitors are my family and all have good manners. My Dad who me them. My sons who were taught good manners by my wife and myself, and the grandkids who all know where they stand.

The biggest problem I have with bad manners comes from the people I work with, some of whom are like animals.

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Trouble is if the a***holes are close family, they will gang up on you. I don't get on with one of my brothers in law, but if we cross swords, they all back him and gang up on me.

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I heard a 'good one'.

If you go for a meal and the others are regular "Lug hole stuck to the phone all nighters" make everybody put their phones in a pile on the table. The first one to touch their phone before a set time ( IE when the bills been paid,) Has t pay the bill!


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The popular idea is that blood is thicker than water and so it is, but it makes a hell of a mess and takes longer to clean up! Mutual consideration should engender good manners and there's precious little of that.

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I tell them it's crap that blood is thicker than water, and to get in the real world.

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I'm lucky, I don't own a cell phone, nor do I want one......

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It makes me cringe if i am out and a stranger coughs or burps or sneezes in front of me without covering their mouths. It quite often is done openly and you can tell the person doesn't care. We have all seen how far the sneeze travels through the air, Yuk. We did not have a lot of material things in my childhood, money was very short, but we were bought up to be polite, and if we did any of the things i have mentioned above without a pardon or excuse me, we were soon pulled up.

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I know, I used to hold back on breaking wind on buses, but sometimes.....Let an ickle quiet one...LOL

Then it's pick on someone else with a glare as if to say, "You dirty so and so" alus worked........LOL

Sowwwyy, just couldn't resist, but it is true.

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I always knew when I had displayed bad manners. I got a sharp pain around my ear.

However, it is sometimes quite difficult to suppress flatulence in a public place. Probably best to do it as quietly as possible. Or clear your throat loudly if you can't.

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My granddad used to go for a walk in the garden if he felt something embarrassing coming on.

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Glad I had my worst bouts underground, where it didn't matter, well at least to those top wind from me......LOL

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I also hate it when people can't say THANK YOU when I hold a door for them. If I'm going to stand with a pushchair or at least stop my toddler from running off while I hold the door open for someone as I see them walking up I at least expet a 'thanks'. I'm always saying thank you to people for when they step out of the way or hold a door, I often say to myself 'right, I'll be just as ignorant as the rest then and I won't move oht of people's way' usually in town, but I just can't do it! I'm too much of a nice person to be ignorant. It's a shame really.

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They've always been called cell phones over here, because they work from "cell to cell"..

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Pixie your home is yours,be open with your visitors,not is it bad manners but shows a lack of respect. Tell them the way it is, "have respect for me, my family, and my home".

Don't lower your standards, when holding the door open for someone, or whatever, always do it with a smile. It makes you feel good to help others, even when it seems all negative.

I think going through life being helpful and showing some TLC to people, is rewarding.Much better to be thoughtful and kind, than be the opposite.

Never look for any rewards, when they do come it will mean so much more. Now put the kettle on, I'll be round in 10 minutes :P

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As said previously, I think its a sign of the times ! My wife and I are both avid "People Watchers" we will go and have a coffee and sit outside on the sidewalk just watching the world go by.

I often comment regarding the mobile phone phenomena, as we sit, and it must be 99% of passers by that have got one either glued to their ear of texting madly, as though their lives depended on it, go rushing by.

Ok I'll fess up, we both have them (phones that is) and yes they are a handy accessory for catching up with kids and especially an emergency.

I think I mentioned before on here somewhere, we made a special effort to visit our first two grandaughters in East Sussex in the UK in 2011, they live with their mum who has remarried, the kids although pleased to see us at first, never took their phones from their ears or stopped texting the whole time we were with them.

I got quite angry as my wife had not seen them for about 10 years and just wanted to be with them and chat for a short while. I told the older one, that if she had something more important to be doing, then bugger off and do it ! She put the phone in her pocket for about 10 mins. then it came back out in an automated action to check for texts !

Just totally bad manners IMO.

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Quite right Pixie. A lady with whom I worked for a while was walking along the corridor in our office block one day, about four paces behind one of the senior managers. There was a pair of these self-closing swing doors. Well, the "gentleman" concerned marched through leaving the door to swing back in her face. She was never reluctant to speak her mind - in fact she was a smart petite firebrand of a woman, about 55 years of age at the time I guess. As she emerged from the door with a face like thunder she bellowed down the corridor "THANK YOU MR BEGG!" - he paused in mid-pace, half turned, and then carried on without saying a word.

But he never did it again !

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This person isn't a blood relation, so it annoyes me all the more. Iv heard many excuses for their ignorance, some being hilarious! There's just no excuse.

Iv been told I cannot control people, which I have no intention of. But when you enter my home, my space, then at least have some decency to be polite. They even complained that their eating up their internet allowence and could I give them my wifi password oh and a charger! How bloomin rude.

Now with my younger family, they use their phones a fair bit. But I don't mind at all and they do have my wifi for when they come over. Because usually they have funny videos to show me and we sit together watching them. If their on their phones when they visit, they always answer when spoken to, and when in a conversation they always put their phones down. Which makes me not mind them having their phones glues to their faces.

Another thing I cannot stand - bad table manners! You know, there's always someone when you go for lunch with friends who eats with their mouths open, talks with their mouths full and takes food from your plate while your eating...

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