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Thank you all for your kind thoughts. Now that the chemotherapy has ended I am virtually back where I was before; being normal and not really aware of my cancer condition except for little things that

Right then Miducks. Today my Cardioligist has given me the news I didn't dare hope for. All of my tests results are good and I start reducing a lot of the Heart Meds over the next two weeks. Starting

My last report (page 31, post 770) had my PSA number down to 10.7. It had shot up to 61 before the horse pills (Enzalutamide) arrested its upward trend. Today I went for a routine visit to oncology at

Good for you Carni ....... :victory: ......Xxx

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  • 8 months later...

My post for 23 December told of visit to Broadway cinema, and it being a great start to Christmas. Just three hours earlier I had been at to see the cardiologist at the City Hospital. I may have mentioned earlier in the year that I now have a heart problem. I get seriously out of breath when I exert myself, particularly when walking up sloping ground - walking up King Street really tators me. I often have to stop for a minute to get breathing back to normal. What is making matters worse is that I have put on 2 1/2 stone over my normal weight. I can feel the effect of this and after walking for a while my legs feel like lead and I start to trudge slowly. Went to the doctor and he sent me to the cardiologist last June for his opinion. All signs are that it is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. This is the thickening of the heart muscle. He organised tests and said he would see me six months later (yesterday). In the meantime I had an MRI scan, blood test, 24-hour heart monitor and echocardiogram. Yesterdays appointment was to hear the results of these tests and what to do, if anything.

At our first consultation he asked me if about the deaths of other family members, and I told him what I could remember. At this second visit I took the death certificates of those that had died with heart problems (sister and I got these for our family history research). He was quite impressed with this, saying that no-one had ever done that before - he made notes in my file of the information in the certificates. He explained to me what was happening to make me breathless. The heart pumps in blood and then pumps it out again. My heart is pumping in OK but its muscle has thickened, reducing the capacity of the left ventricle, and the muscle has stiffened. This means that although blood goes into the heart normally, the thickened muscle is resisting the flow and causing a backpressure. This backpressure goes back the lungs, and with the reduced amount of blood in the left ventricle, and the backpressure reducing the flow though the lungs, there is less oxygen going through the lungs (blood carries the oxygen). The right ventricle is fine - no problems. I asked if this could help in assisting the left ventricle - no it cannot.He confirmed that I do have hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. So, I asked him if they could do anything - answer no. I said is this it for the rest of my life, then. Answer, I'm afraid so.

There is some research into the effect of genes in this problem. He said I would be getting a letter inviting me to have a blood test and consultation. They would also want my immediate family do the same. So, that means my daughter, brother and sister. If they found a certain gene in all of them then children would also be tested. This is all new research, and so might not lead anywhere, but the fact that there were five members of my family who had died with heart problems, makes it worthwhile investigating.

So, a mixed start for the new year, but looking forward to seeing It's a Wonderful Life again next Christmas.

Not looking for sympathy but thought that above might be of interest to anyone suffering similar symptoms now or in future.

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Sorry to hear that Chulla. I can fully understand what you are going through as I have the exact same problems as you have.

My family history is quite bad as well, dad died at 44 years (heart disease) mam at 51 years (stroke) right through both parents families heart disease got them quite young. The longest surviving uncle was 62 years old, so I have just beat that family record ! Cousins & neices have succumbed to heart disease too. I'm hanging on & take each day as it comes !

Put all this behind you Chulla & as I do, Gerron we it ! Enjoy today & sod tomorrow :jumping:

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#639. If it doesn't work out then get a taxidermist to stuff me in a sitting position and place me head of the table in the Roebuck with a smile on my face. I wouldn't want to miss the meet-ups when I'm in the next world, let alone this one!

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Sorry to hear of your problems Chulla. My family history is similar to yours and almost exactly like Catfans. My heart problems happened when I was younger but I have regular checkups and blood tests and touch wood everything is how it should be.

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There's a simple solution Chulia ..... Stop walking up King St..... Seriously, all the best and take care of yourself.

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#637. Might be a good idea. Trev. Should make good black puddings! (Thinks, are we allowed to call them black puddings these days!)

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Personally, I find the term coloured more offensive than black. If I were a light skinned Asian, I'd be really peed of if I were referred to as black.

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So what, can't we have ANY slight deviation from the main topic. Also where's my previous post gone eh.

Or did you think I was offensive to obese people?

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