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will it be Andy, Shayne, Brenda, or journey south?

journey south are crap and are the next ones to be thrown out, Andy will be after that, and then it will be Brenda, leaving Shayne who keeps sticking out his bottom set of dentures and then showing everybody his tongue. . he's going to be the winner! ..

wot say u ?


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wot say u ?

You should get out more

I get out quite enough thank you! ... once a day to fetch in the milk, with the occasional outing on a friday whereby I push the dustbin to the gateway.. sometimes though the wife beats me to it, thus ruining my weekly little jaunt.. I've told her about it but she won't listen.. she says she's entitled to go out at sometime or another as well..

considering she works hard on the dolly tub, washboard, and mangle, I tend to keep the moaning to a minimum as my special little treat!

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Probably because we pay our rates on time...

We normally get one or the other of our bins emptied per week, Ilkeston, or to be precise, Erewash are into the recycle genre. We have a brown bin for garden rubbish, green bags for paper and plastic, and a black bin for all other household waste. During summer they re emptied in rotation but in winter, like end of November, the black bin is emptied each week with the green bags every two weeks.

Don't the Council make all things complicated?

A ;)

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Re the green bags: the question is; where exactly is one supposed to keep them as the festering content builds up during the week? .. do we keep them outside, open to the elements with the bags filling with water, the contents often blow astrew by the high winds? or do we keep them indoors, so the cat may rummage at leisure?

either way, I don't subscribe to the scheme, rubbish is rubbish, and if they want to recycle then by all means they can sift through the contents of the black bin once it is off my property.. but I thank the council all the same for the carriers, as they make sturdy shopping bags, often to the delight of various 'normal' shoppers who have been known to comment "I see you don't recycle then"? .. my answer being "oh yes I do .. the contents of this bag will soon be recycled into effluent flowing down the sewer"

... so there you go! .. it's an ill wind that don't blow somebody some good at sometime or another!!


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