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Posts posted by devondi

  1. hiya i so glad i found this site!!

    i was born in nottingham city hospital

    and was bought up in ucknall (oops forgot me "H" lol)

    i lived there till 2001 when i moved to Devonand they don't half talk funny here!!!

    they don't understand the nottingham humour at all.......

    i don't uderstand much of what they say at all...... so we're equal lol

    i have been trawling the site and have had a really good titter about the nottingham as it is spoke i remember so many of them lol

    i found this site by accident as i was looking up martin lacey on net cos my mum used to work for him at sherwood zoo and boy am i glad i found it lol

    look forward to talking to you all xx
