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Posts posted by Jools

  1. Hi zab,

    thank you for the info & comments, will pop into Geoffs shop and see what he has in there. Shows my brain is slightly frazzled these days as I walk past there nearly every day & didn't even think of it.

    I used the picture the past site earlier in the year to source some of the photos we already have up on the walls....some great images on there.

    I did discover yesterday evening that there used to be a skittle alley in what is now the pool room and kitchen. Such a shame it isn't still there as I would have loved it!

  2. Hi guys.

    Thanks for the heads up on the sig mick2me.

    Sadly we are tied so no Harvest Pale I'm afraid until we have a real ale fest & then I'm sure we'll have some in.

    Would it be ok to put a link back to the site on our website?

    and Beefsteak, that old girlfriend wasn't Pat was it, as i know she's been working at the Robin for 25 years :-)

  3. Hello all,

    I stumbled across the forum whilst trying to research our pub in Sherwood – the Robin Hood.

    We took over in July 2007 and are very keen to gather information and images of the pub over the years.

    As part of our refurb I have already sourced a fair collection of photos of the Mansfield Road and Sherwood area and have even created a pictorial history of the Goose Fair from it’s time in Market Square to it’s move to Forest Fields. All this has proved to be of great interest to customers new and old.

    I have, unfortunately, only managed to secure one image of the pub from the turn of the century and it is now hanging in the lounge bar.

    What I really want is any tit-bits of history, anecdotes, images etc of the pub over the years so I can write our own pub history. An old disclaimer sign in the car park indicates that the pub was once the property of the now defunct Home Brewery but that is as far as I have got.

    So any help at all in compiling this social history would be greatly appreciated.

