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Posts posted by firbeck

  1. This must have been a busy weekend, 3rd June 1961, this event, Hucknall Airshow and our regular Whit Tuesday trainspotting trip, which this particular year was at York, must have stretched the old mans budget to breaking point, only a couple of pictures I'm afraid, but nevertheless quite interesting ones.

    They ran special trains from Vic, which unusually were hauled by a Stanier 2-6-4 tank with non corridor stock, funny how you remember such things.

    At the time, Brush works were constructing what was to become D0280, Falcon, heres a picture of it in the erecting shop, I have more pics of it in service at Grantham and later on, behind the wire at Brush, waiting to be scrapped, if you are interested in seeing them I'll put them on here.


    An interesting loco in the works was former LMS designed Bo-Bo 10800, a very unsucessful design, withdrawn, but used by Brush as a testbed for their engines before being scrapped in 72-73.


    Sorry I haven't any more, but perhaps some of you were there that day.

  2. The 'Stone Bridge', though built in brick, scene of many of our misdamenours, is still there, it used to be the meeting place of us 'Firbeckites', a blip in the famous black path, it was obviously too much trouble to take down, a relic of our inglorious past and a lovely reminder of things past.

    I wish to forget reminding of the 4F and snowman interlude.

  3. In the early 70's, Balloon Woods flats had been constructed but Wollaton Vale had not been linked up to Balloon Woods crossroads. Sometime during the early 70's, the railway was closed on a Sunday and the bridge was put in. It was a mammoth feat of engineering as you can see from my pictures, I can't recall the date though, but perhaps some of you were there to witness it and can remember the event.






  4. In the early 70's my pal Ade and I went around the county looking for derelict country houses, we came apon this one.

    When I was looking through old photos the other day, I found these pictures, at first I couldn't remember the place, but then I worked it out, I researched it on the net, but I'm none the wiser how it was saved from dereliction, does anyone know the story of it's saving, and how are things going with Shireoaks Hall or is the new owner not as sincere as we are led to believe.




  5. You've lost me with your opening remarks , nothing has been altered (To the best of my knowledge)

    Maybe not your end, but ever since the pretty Xmas pictures were put on I've found it very difficult to get on to the site at all, I know it was down yesterday, but because of the difficulties I experienced previously, I assumed it was something to do with my server until Plantfit put me right.

    The other day my son was messing about on the net and managed to infect everything with a virus. It took me a morning of messing about to get rid of it, however since then, when I did manage to get on here, every thing has sorted itself out into long lists that you have to click on to get a viewing, no thread is more than 3 pages long. I assumed it was a reorganisation to cut down on web space, but perhaps the virus has messed up the settings, if so, how do I correct it to get it back to the way it was before, because having to keep clicking on a posting to read it is a pain in the bum.

  6. Sorry but I don't like the way that this has been re-organised, it's a nightmare, do we get one page per reply now, I understand why you've done it, but it's not very user friendly.

    Rant Over, for now anyway.

    Lets forget Beeching, the man was a Tory b#####d, he had no concerns for the interests of the general population, he was in Ernie Marples pocket, imagine that, a Minister of Transport who owned a motorway construction company, where were his interests going to lie, certainly not in modernising and promoting the railways, it wasn't going to pay for the upkeep of his Tory lifestyle was it. On the other hand, Beechings plans had hardly been implemented when that useless, upper class, chinless, hunting and shooting twat Alec Douglas Home was replaced by the great Socialist leader Harold Wilson, who made no effort what so ever to prevent Beeching and his Tory schemes from being implemented.

    Enough of that, lets get back to a few visuals. I found a few more photos of Derby Open Day.


    This is Compound 1000 taken at Derby Open Day 1960.


    Star of the show 1961, the last steam locomotive to be built, Evening Star 92220, Class 9F built Swindon 1960 and unfortunately recently shoved into the museum at Swindon.


    Compound 1000 again, I wonder what they were all looking at.


    Station scene, Derby Open Day 1962, Jubilee, Repulse, probably on the Devonian relief.


    Why this was photographed at the time, I don't know, but how rare to see a shot like this now.


    Included for it's interest, a brand new ex-works Peak on the Birmingham line taken off the old A6 bridge, 1961, whats also interesting is the Jubilee approaching with possibly a Bristol train and the old withdrawn locos stored in the former goods depot behind.

    I've got more interesting open days but we are expecting guests and I'm being nagged to knock it on the head.

  7. Beefsteak

    I think you should be made the custodian of this aircraft, take a tin of polish with you when you pay it a visit.

    I know that Sea Harriers aren't an endangered species, yet, but what will happen when the company get sick of displaying it, would it fit in your garden.

    A classic case is the famous Supermarine Swift at Sheppards Surplus store in Hereford. The Swift is very rare, only 4 vaguely intact examples left and Sheppard has the only complete F4 remaining.

    This aircraft is unique but has been rotting away outside for over 30 years, it is now getting in a desperate state. People have offered to exchange it for a shiny Harrier but the greedy bastard won't take it in exchange, he's well aware how rare the aircraft is but is quite prepared to let it rot away unless he gets stupid mega bucks for it. Hopefully he'll die soon and whoever inherits the company will see sense and present it to a museum before it's too late, what a selfish ignorant pillock, I'm sure the company would benefit from having a nice shiny Sea Harrier outside the store rather than a manqy rotting Swift that no-one has ever heard of.

  8. It would seem that 140 Squadron ATC are still present and correct in Matlock and have their own web site, but not much on their history and nothing on any aircraft that they may have had.

    Someone on an aviation forum tried to make a list of ATC instructional airframes but didn't get far with it, it's not a well documented subject.

    There doesn't seem to be any record anywhere of what this aircraft was, my guess is that it was probably a Vampire T11 or a Meteor T7, my brother just phoned me up and he remembers a Vampire parked up outside the ATC HQ at Stapleford which he reckons was dismantled several years ago when the place was relocated.

    By coincidence, I was e-mailing some photos to a pal of mine in Brinsley yesterday and one of them was taken of him hiking up the path from Matlock past Riber Castle in 1965, you can clearly see the town down below in the background but I can't make out an aircraft.

    I notice that there is an e-mail address for the Matlock ATC, I'm sure the CO would have a record of what aircraft they had if anyone was desperate to know.

  9. He got a bigger airfix model than you did.

    Believe it or not, while in it's FRS1 form, this particular aircraft was used as the subject for the Airfix 1:48 Sea Harrier kit.

    Sea Harrier FA2 710, serial ZE691, delivered to RN as an FRS1 in 1987, converted to FA2 format in 1994, retired 1997. Served with all three NAS attack squadrons, 800, 801, 899.

    Disposal agency sold it on E-Bay, purchased by Classic Autos of Winsford for £26,100 and displayed outside their depot on the industrial estate, August 2008.

    A waste of a bloody fantastic fighter, retired too early, please look after it Beefsteak.

  10. Sorry Beefsteak, but Liz's mum is one of the best and experienced cooks around, I just called in to see 'em and they are really wound up about what Morrisons sold them, they are going there to complain about it tomorrow, though I couldn't see anything wrong with it meself, but then I'm not that keen on turkey anyway. Perhaps Morrisons oop north send the contents of their dustbins down to Essex, don't blame them either.

    I had my Ilkeston prize winning black pudding for breakfast this morning, fantastic, the supermarket chains down here that bother to sell black pudding must find theirs in the gutter, the difference between them in terms of taste and texture is incomparable.

    Incidentally, I notice that Tesco's and Sainsburies have started to sell our last remaining proper local beer, Nethergate Bitter and Nethergate Umbrell, it's lovely stuff and brewed just a few miles up the road near the village of Clare just over the border in Suffolk, it has Nottingham links because the Cavendish family originally came from there. If you see it, buy it before the GK vultures shut down that brewery as well, they already have a ban on selling it in their 'Pubs' and are making all efforts to prevent it being sold anywhere else. It's a ridiculous situation where you struggle to find an outlet or pub for your nearest local brewery, but at least the big chains are stocking it, if it's next to Greene King p1$$, vomit and crap on the shelves of our stores, I remove this rubbish and put it on the floor out the way of a proper beer, it's insulting otherwise.

  11. Afraid I haven't got a decent enough pair of heavy duty gloves or any de-contamination equipment that could cope with handling GK beer mats.

    Incidentally, did anyone have pork pie for breakfast this morning, I was tempted to get some from Tessies last night but the only ones they had were crap, perhaps it's an unknown Braintree habit and they had sold out of the decent stuff.

    Did anyone have a turkey from Morrisons, my outlaws paid £30 for a top range Bronze jobbie from there and we thought it was crap, dry and tasteless, they are going in to complain about it on saturday, in fact they found the quality of food sold from there this christmas to be pretty awful, particularly the veg and salad, what they had in stock that is. On the other hand we went to Tessies yesterday evening and got some fantastic bargains, good stuff as well, turkeys were going for bog all, and the shop was empty, moral of the story, do your Xmas food shopping at the last moment, as long as it isn't for pork pie.

  12. Congratulations, I'm impressed she managed to phone you herself only an hour after the event.

    Where does she live, will you be travelling to see the young 'un tomorrow.

    What are they going to call her, Plantfitia?

    Badly timed though, a birthday on Christmas day means a special day less to celebrate every year.

    Nice Xmas present, well done to all.

  13. Sorry Beefsteak, I hadn't spotted your previous reference to Norad Santa, he must have finished early though, it must be only just after midnight in Alaska.

    What did you get your kids, something you'll enjoy playing with all day I hope!!!

    Incidentally, I had the HD Deltic for Christmas in 1961, still got it, 1962 I got my Ilford Sporti 4 camera complete with real leather case, I think I still have that somewhere.

  14. It's not so much fun when the kids have grown up, they're still in bed.

    Have you tried looking at NORAD Santa,, it's the US defence agency tracking Santa around the world by defence satellites, he's nearly done, I just checked up and he's over Alaska at the moment. To get the best out of it you'll need Google Earth, but theres a nice little video of him doing aerobatics round Tower Bridge and the Millenium Dome.

    Hope you all have a great Christmas Day, don't get too pissed, wer're off to have dinner with the outlaws in the next village later, I've volunteered to drive, but non of them drink anyway.

    I met my brother who brought my mother half way down to Kettering on Tuesday, the traffic was abysmal, I had to take the back roads through Cambs and Herts to get there and back, a lorry fire on the A14 screwed the system up, she's happy though, my brother brought us some black and white pudding from the famous shop in Stanley, Ilkeston, so wer'e about to have a local feast for breakfast.

    In case you've forgotten what Xmas used to be like, Wollaton Park during the Big Freeze, 62/63.


    Can anyone remember what they had for Christmas that year, 1962, I'm sure I got the Hornby Dublo Deltic and a chemistry set. After the pork pie breakfast I got to work in the kitchen and upset my mother by producing Hydrogen Sulphide gas which I bubbled into a sink full of water and stank the house out, I was not popular.

  15. This vehicle was used for Vivian Fuchs and Edmund Hillary's crossing of the Antarctic in 1957/1958, it's a Tucker Sno-Cat, built in the USA, and the company still exists and manufactures them today, although a different, more modern design.

    This one did the rounds after the expedition returned to the UK in 1958, we photographed it in the centre of Peterborough, opposite the cathedral during a trainspotting trip 27th May 1958.


  16. When you look at some of the 'musical' names on the 'Opportunity Knocks' list, it's worse than the bloody X Factor, Mary Hopkin only achieved a modicum of fame because MaCartney fancied his chances with her.

    Good programme for a laugh though, it was always interesting to wait and see whether that megalomaniac, alco, sexual predator, nutcase, Hughie Greene would finally self combust on screen.

    I wonder where Tony Holland is now, exercising his bladder and bowels at a retirement home no doubt.

  17. It's fine by me, it suits my mood.

    The original version by Cohen is our Len at his most depressive, cynical best, as only he can be.

    We've owned the Jeff Buckley, and possibly the best, version of this song on his album 'Grace', for many years, it's a shame that we'll never be able to listen to it the same way again.

    The same thing nearly happened to another one of our favourite songs, 'Angel', by Sarah McLachlan.

    Those useless manufactured cretins 'Westlife' brought it out on one of their crap albums and it was nearly released as a single, thank Christ someone in the music business showed discretion and it stayed off the radio.

    It happens all the time I'm afraid, Boyzone and in particular the slimy obnoxious thieving Ronan Keating have released cover versions of great songs ( Allison Krauss for instance) and seemed to have conned the public into thinking they were responsible for them in the first place.

    Incidentally, smile at the fact that our Xmas number one is all about devious sex and not religion, or is it the same thing.

    Merry Christmas each and every one.

  18. So why doesn't someone challenge the planners and ask them what is going on. They are too frightened to do anything about it aren't they, rules are obviously manipulated to suit certain people.

    We've had a great one in East Anglia. Norfolk District Council decide to close down an old peoples home in Norwich, chuck em' out, knock it down and build 'low cost housing', no doubt at great profit to themselves.

    So what happens, they chuck out the old dears, destroying their friendships and relationships, but have the bloody nerve to keep the place going and move in themselves at half the cost the old dears were paying. These council filth responsible have now been suspended, but with full pay, nice christmas present for them isn't it, do nowt and have a nice time, screw up old peoples lives and take the p1$$, evil scumbags, I bet they get away with it. as well.

    Is anyone on here part of our wonderful Local Council organisation, wherever it is, good wages and pension, do nowt and get away with it, you should be ashamed of yourselves, but what do you care, it's a just job after all.