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Posts posted by firbeck

  1. Please don't change the rules, I can be a pain in the arse, I know that, the subsequent comments are well deserved, and accepted, thats what a proper forum is all about, say what you bloody well want and be damned, don't get upset about the consequences.

    My only comment is that sometimes rascist comments can get a bit much, personally, I don't give a chuff, I usually share the same sentiments anyway, but I worry that Big Brother is watching, and trouble could be brewing, it also makes the site look like a white, Union Jack flying enclave that doesn't encourage 'others' to take part, it shouldn't be so, given the population of the City, it would be nice to see other voices, but is this forum proving a point, 'others' aren't to be encouraged to join, assuming they give a damn of course, but lets not forget that the Pakistan Railway system gave us the chance of seeing the last inside cylinder 4-4-0's in action, are there any Asian keen types out there willing to show their enthusiasm about this, I doubt it, but who knows, they should be encouraged to do so, whatever you think, they are part of this country and will forever be so, give some of them a bit of respect, they deserve it, they're not all terrorists you know.

  2. Bip

    So where is all this Kimberley and Mansfield contrived rubbish coming from, certainly not from where it should be, perhaps you should suggest to the owners that they should find another supplier and pour this trash down the drain where it belongs, I'm sure that Nethergate, Shepherd Neame and Adnams would love to provide something decent, you would appreciate it too.

  3. Sorry Rob, it's Baron Bocking, it's posher.

    A bit of an entanglement of a programme, so many things not said, it should have been an hours worth.

    I have friends in Dereham and have spent a lot of time up there over the years, this business of linking the lines up has been discussed for a while, it wasn't made very clear yesterday about all sorts of problems.

    For a start, trying to extend the NNR past Holt station is almost impossible, a by-pass has destroyed the trackbed, how they sort that one out is beyond me, it really is a big problem, every time I drive along there, I try and work out a solution, but I don't know how they can resolve it.

    County School on the MNR was their first base, it was lovingly restored, but the Local Authority chucked them off the site, they had no sympathy with their railway plans and weren't prepared to help, they've obviously changed their tune, they need good publicity these days, grinning pillocks, I reckon that, as an act of typical LA wilfullness, that they deliberately pulled up the track and destroyed the bridges towards Fakenham. The old station there is now a builders merchant, platforms intact, but they aren't going to give it up are they, the other station site is a Tesco car park, not much hope there.

    Melton Constable is another one, they didn't really say how much was left up until a few years ago, so much was existing, but Norfolk Council flattened everything, smashed up the bridges and built a bus shelter with M&GNR brackets on the canopy, nice one, a good use of materials that they probably weren't aware of.

    The little railway being built at Reepham is all very well, but it's an NCC footpath, matey isn't going to get far with his trains is he, besides, what wasn't made clear was that it hasn't anything to do with the orbital railway, it's a different route, a large part of which is now occupied by the Bure Valley light railway, a great trip, not to be given up and shouldn't be after all their efforts.

    Not a good programme if you know that area well, what are we to see next week I wonder, reopening the route to St Pancras from Nottingham via Melton perhaps.

    Incidentally, one of the original keen, honest, genuine restorers of Dereham Station ripped up the tracks and sold them for scrap overnight, nice man, he's probably Chief Executive of Norfolk County Council now.

  4. Many years ago the Reds celebrated their 25th Anniversary at Scampton, all tickets were initially invitation only. In those days there was no Internet and so I sniffed around on the phone, found a number, dialled it, and found myself talking to Red 1, the leader, I couldn't believe it. He did a deal whereby if I sent a cheque to the RAF charity of his choice, he'd send me tickets, what a lovely bloke and an honour to be able to talk to him. My now ex-missus was a rich business woman in those days and she sent a very large cheque, we got 3 tickets, one for her particularly important client, but he was a smashing bloke anyway so I was well impressed.

    What a show, every European Team, plus the Canadians with an F-18, sadly the USAF didn't make an effort. The honour of performing in the sunset was given to the Frecce Tricolori, they are my second favourite team after the Reds, they are superb, you have to see them and their manic commentary, well done to them for recovering from their terrible accident in Germany. A day unlikely to be repeated I reckon.

  5. It was great wasn't it, a well made programme.

    I saw the F-18 equiped Blue Angels at Finningley about 15 years ago and the Thunderbirds at Mildenhall Air Fete in 97. These teams are noisy, close flying, impressive but just lack the constant change of formation and ballet like skill that the Reds have, they are truly the best in the world.

    As you could see, the US teams rely on razamataz and over the top presentation to do their stuff, the Thunderbirds are the worst, when we saw them at the Hall their presentation was so ridiculous that the crowd was in fits of laughter, they even had cheerleaders for Gods Sake. It made me smile when the leader of the Reds asked if he could take the p1$$ when the Angels pilots marched past, our boys are so cool, laid back and sincere, it obviously is the right attitude.

  6. Not all the gear was ripped out by GK the Police caught a gang of tealeafs helping them selves to what was left. It is is a pitey GK did not find the book on how to brew Kimberley Ale theirs is Cxxp

    I expect the tealeafs were probably GK shareholders helping themselves.

    I suspect that GK have indeed got the book and that we will soon be seeing Kimberley Classic on the shelves of Tescos and at their own 'Real Ale' festivals. All beer festivals in this part of the world have a ban on GK products, I gather that last year GK claimed to have won a CAMRA award, it's on their self congratulatory website, but CAMRA strongly deny it and accuse them of manipulating the truth, what a surprise.

    With the best will in the world, it's impossible to recreate an old established beer in another brewery, miles away from it's source of origin, there are so many local factors that contribute to the taste of a particular beer, you cannot make Ruddles or Kimberley Bitter in Bury St Edmunds and expect it to be the same, it's just a marketing ploy that the big supermarkets are happy to go along with, they are as bad as the conmen that get away with it, I repeat, don't buy it, then they might change their tune.

  7. I've been looking at the Greene King website to see if they are prepared to publish their intentions with regard to Kimberley, but of course they won't. When Ridleys was destroyed, I was working for a sympathetic property developer and we pestered the gits with phone calls in order to pretend to make an offer. They swallowed the bait and we got some interesting insider information, all they were interested in was making a killing on a housing deal, the money that they wanted was way beyond the reccomended re-sale price, it's just been sold, I hope they made a massive loss.

    I notice that they are currently negotiating to purchase Loch Fyne Restaurants, that'll be nice, call in at Loch Fyne to buy some kippers and get GK IPA rammed down your throat, is nowhere safe from these vultures. Perhaps they'll start smoking Loch Fyne Kippers at Bury St Edmunds, well, why not, what does it matter to them, with a bit of luck they'll make a mistake and burn their greedy little empire down.

    Incidentally, have you seen the report for the Hardy Hansons site on Broxtowe's planning pages, some nice, but sad pictures, it seems that they are promoting the site to be used for housing, in this climate, that suggests it will be derelict for years.

    Thank you GK, without your shareholder, profit making interference I'm sure that a thriving brewery would still be operating in Kimberley and that experienced talented people would be rightfully employed instead of stocking shelves at B&Q.

    Please note that Ruddles and Old Speckled Hen, promoted as 'Real Ale' is in fact contrived urine made by these people, DO NOT BUY IT.

  8. Well, the bridge that I think still survives over the cutting just east of the old brewery was MR number 14, I've just peered in my shed and checked with the original bridge plate. I also have the plate off Awsworth Viaduct which was GNR number 1, the first crossing gate up the line from the viaduct was also number 1, a diferent type of plate design and stamped GNR as well.

    I also have some large posters from Newthorpe and Greasley station advertising trips to Goose Fair as well as away matches to see Forest, County and Mansfield.

    Unfortunately, AOL are really messing me about at the moment and I can't e-mail, get photos or send anything, try and sort it out and all you get is a load of pidgin English from Katmandu, it's a disgrace.

    Have you looked at the 1885 map on, zoom in and it gets interesting.

  9. I gather it's to be numbered 61673 and named 'Plantfitt and Beefsteak United'. A public presentation to show goodwill will be made to Rob on board the Thompson brake, dragged at a specially authorised high speed run along the line, all damage to be paid for by those involved.

    Oh, a special beer is to be brewed by Greene King for serving in the Gresley Buffet Car, I hear it's to be called 'Takeover' and that afterwards they will buy up and close down Weybourne sheds, because they serve up Woodfordes on the trains and thats not allowed.

  10. GK are even bringing old gk dray waggons down here and taking the newer Haerdys and HAnsons waggons to bury!!!!!

    Thats interesting, I wonder if they'll keep the Hardy Hansons name on the side, it should be fun to see them trotting around Bury St Edmunds, assuming that they haven't sold off the horses to some continental butcher, I wouldn't put it past them.

    Our greatest fear is that GK will attempt to take over Adnams, our last major family run brewery in East Anglia, I'm sure that GK must be trying their hardest to infiltrate and destroy the company, it's in their nature, it must be hard to have a Suffolk county rival that produces bloody good beer without having to lie about it's origins.

  11. As this thread has been ressurected, you might be interested to know that two new B17's are being constructed. One is to be a static example only and the other will be built to main line standards.

    I gather that the cab of one has already been built and delivered to the North Norfolk Railway where they are to be assembled. It will be interesting to see what they will be called, my bets are on Sandringham and Norwich City, I doubt whether Nottingham Forest or even Notts County will be considered, perhaps you should send the nameplate to Sheringham and see what they say.

  12. Nice one, typical that those asset strippers from Greene King are the only one's wingeing and moaning about it. I assume that GK ripped out the brewing equipment PDQ to make it more difficult for the whole site to be listed.

    What happened to their promise to make it a distribution depot and keep local people employed, the same promise they didn't keep at our local brewery, which I note has been sold off to a development company for conversion to housing, nice one.

    Perhaps if all you people on here refuse to buy GK beer and it's pretend real ale lies, and tell your mates not to, then the company will get the kick up the backside it deserves.

  13. Yes,Henry Albert was his father and Thomas was his uncle.Timothy Spall gave an excellent performance playing Albert although the description of him being the "Last Hangman" is factually incorrect.Referring back to my post on Syd Dernley I think I am right in saying he was only ever an assistant - never the "No 1" at an execution.

    True, it was Stewart and Allen, the last hangmen, at the same time.

    I have the dubious reputation of knowing the alleged wife of the last person to be hanged, she lived in Yorkshire, and all I'm going to say is that she was a lovely person in the terrible situation of finger pointing about something that she had nothing to do with, she wouldn't talk about it, but others just set the poor woman up, it was appalling to see someone treated this way, the ghouls happily came out of the woodwork to ask stupid questions. How do I know, my ex-father in law ran the Yorkshire pub in which she went for a drink and a bit of friendly comfort, he treated her with the utmost respect, but you know what it's like, the gits heard rumours and wanted to confront her, it was a terrible thing to do and see and it might still go on for all I know, poor woman, I never considered saying anything, but be her pal, which I thankfully was, she had more to offer in life than take advantage of being the wife of the last person to be hung.

  14. My biggest mistake was buying a shiny brown glam rock mac from god knows where in the town.

    I wore it once, I was walking back home from my girlfriends in the rain and was pestered by a kerb crawler, I had very long hair and I couldn't decide whether he was a shirt lifter or thought I was a gal, I suspect the latter, it was a very dark night after all. When I attempted to open the passenger door and punch his lights out he obviously realised his mistake and roared off into the night. the mac remained in the wardrobe after that.

  15. He seemed quite genuine, as if he had been told the same (Some thing to do with caves collapsing maybe, or the close proximity of the railway tunnels)

    Could well be, but given the beauty of this building, and the relatively simple job of underpinning over sandstone, it could have at least been replaced with something more than a horizontal concrete slab, typical local authority tossers at work again, I wonder what backhanders they recieved.

  16. just got back from Barcelona ... what do you make of Gaudi Firbeck ?...some of the fothergill work in the park has a vague similarity!!!

    I don't know about that, Fothergill was possibly too clinical in comparison, but I gather that La Sagrada is being finished off, sacrilage, it should be left as it is, isn't that what it's all about, I just hope that our Sir Norman isn't involved.

  17. I asked this question (RE Black Boy) of a council official years ago,and was told it was due to subsidence , how true I don't know.

    Subsidence from what, trolley buses passing by. That sort of reply makes you want to puke, the Council House is therefore slipping into the void left by the Black Boy, any excuse for a bit of crap developement.

  18. I didn't think it would last long, he changed his name from Fothergill Watson for some reason, have you ever studied the statues in the niches on his office building in George Street, they're supposed to be of his staff. At least it's not far from Gee Dees, 2 surviving Nottingham greats.

    How they could have demolished his wonderful Black Boy Hotel and replaced it with that originally Littlewoods concrete crap is beyond me, it's beyond belief, what were they thinking of!!!!

    In the world of architecture, we get Lutyens, Voysey, Charles Rennie Macintosh shoved down our throats, all contemporary architects, but Fothergill was an unapreciated architect of the same time, much neglected, a genius, but he lived and worked in a city that wasn't considered to be important, sad isn't it.

  19. My old man used to grow it on his allotment, couldn't stand the stuff myself, except for the crunchy hearts!!

    Yeah, brilliant, thats what it's all about, the crunchy hearts, you don't see them anymore, though this company supplying Tesco did it up until last year, sounds like I'd be in heaven at your old mans allotment.

    Another question, where was/is the office of Nottinghams only really acknowledged talented local architect, apart from myself of course, and lovely old Vernon Royle and John Whitehorn that I used to work for, and can you work out his name in the correct order, a clue here.

    Disregard AW Pugin who did St Barnabas and Basil Spence who made an abortion out of the Uni Architects tower.

  20. How about Loon pants, with ridiculous oversized flairs and the awful matching tops with low necks and flaired sleeves, coupled with dangerously high platform heels.

    Wearing this terrible green stuff because Mr Bowie et al promoted it as cool, I once got slaughtered on a campsite bar in Croyde in 71 and woke up in the morning lying outside the tent, fully dressed, halfway down the slope and covered in vomit. The whole lot went in the bin, and I reverted to normal Wranglers and tee shirts.

    My next act of stupidity was to go for a hike up Saddleworth Moor in a leather jacket I bought on Melton Sunday market which had collars like Vulcan wings, and wearing my latest stupidly high heeled leather shoes. I subsequently sprained my ankle and had to be helped down the mountainside by my young nieces and taken to hospital for an X-Ray.

    Did I learn from that, no, being the 'height of cool' before my sprain had properly healed, I wore the same shoes and went over while running for a train at Peterborough. After being assisted to the 'General' for another X-Ray, they went in the bin as well in the end, they were lovely shoes as well, I can't for the life of me think where I bought them from, some normal shoe shop in Nottingham, Freeman Hardy Willis? They'll no doubt be rotting away at the bottom of some landfill site and be worth a fortune now.