Mister T

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Posts posted by Mister T

  1. Hi, Mess, Denshaw. It is interesting that you mention Stan Reid as a science teacher. I recall a man of this name at High Pavement around 1965. He taught mathematics, if I remember right, and had a reputation for running a tight ship. He also was a radio ham, so it sounds as if it must be the same man.

  2. Yard was full of scrap...used to sell him lead and buy pram wheels for the trolleys we built as a kid. Scientific exchange had shops both sides at one time...Not forgetting Marshall and Hancocks the ironmongers at the top...

    Thanks, poohbear, and all others that have replied to my enquiry. One other thing that comes back to me is that there was a pub called the Marquis of Waterford. I remember this because there was gate giving access to an alley that presumably led to the back of the premises, and over it was a sign proclaiming the pub's name. One day when, aged about 6, I saw a man leaning against the gate and loafing there as if he owned the place, as quite possibly he did, I thought to myself "he must be the Marquis".

  3. Does anyone remember Peveril Street in the 50s? I lived there as a small child, and seeing the area again after years of being far from Nottingham I am not surprisingly struck by how much has changed.

    Near the bottom was a shop called the Scientific Exchange, or something similar, and I believe it later expanded quite a bit, but it now seems to have vanished. There may also have been a shoe shop called Machin's. Further up, and probably on Alfreton Road was Temple's newsagent, and just down the road from it was what I remember rather uncertainly as a wine shop. I do not recall the name of the business, but the owner had two daughters called Hilary and (appropriately) Cherie. They no doubt had nothing to do with Clinton and Blair.

    Across Alfreton Road near this point was a scrapyard that if I remember right was proclaimed by a sign saying "Charles Pownall", though my dad once referred to it as "Jack Pownall's". There may also have been a children's play park nearby.

  4. As a small child I lived on Peveril Street till 1959 or 1960. I seem to remember a branch of Skill's Buses there, at number 8 I think, with an open area that was used as a bus depot, and is now occupied by Sunbourne Court. Does anyone remember about the layout of Peveril Street 50 years ago? Perhaps my childish memory deceives me. I have lived outside Nottingham for a long time, and till recently had not seen this part of town for many years.

  5. It was a long time ago and I no longer recall what club he played for that day, though it was against Bestwood Park CC, which seems to be defunct, or perhaps they have moved to a different ground; I have lived in Scotland for more than 30 years, and got rather out of touch with things.

    As for socialising with him after the game, I sadly have no recollection of any events after the match, which no doubt we lost. Since his company would have been memorable, it is safe to suppose that we for some reason did not get to talk to him later; so that was a second loss for us.

    Mr T.

  6. I had the pleasure, if you can call it that, of batting against him in a club match in 1972. He was too good for that standard, and presumably played in order to act as a talent spotter for Notts. Batting against him was murder; the top score on our side was 15. My own contribution that day was 13, which was the second-highest score, but it took 39 overs, since my method of keeping him out did not provide for scoring of runs. In the first-class game he no doubt was a "slow" bowler, but he pushed the ball through as fast as many a club opener, and to deal with someone turning the ball sharply both ways is in such circumstances challenging.

  7. Good morning all, I was at Bentinck road infants' school mid fifties. The head mistress was a mrs. Freemantle. The only other teacher I can remember was miss Ranshaw. A few people I can remember from that time are, Michael reville, Janet Huchaby, Sandra Hislop, John Dunne, Susan Brown.

    I am still in touch with John Dunne who is no longer in Nottingham, his father used to have the barbers shop on Hartley road opposite the Burnaby pub.

    It would be nice if someone could fill in the gaps.

    Cheers, Johnl.

    Good evening all, especially johnl.

    I was at Bentinck Road School slightly later than the mid 50s: from 1958 to 1960. I remember Mrs Freemantle, though nothing more than her name, but had an impression that the headmistress was a Mrs Highfield, who once smacked my wrist for inattention, using two fingers for extra trauma. Such brutality would never do these days. There was also a Miss White, who was young and easy going, and a Mrs Brown, who was older and stricter. There was besides these a Mrs Leup / Liap (?).

    Mister T.