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Posts posted by pemberton

  1. Well I for one am very pleased that the smoking vote went the way that it did, I expect that I'll be in lots of folks bad book for taking this stand. I will no longer have to stand in a bar enjoying my pint of real ale whilst getting lathered with other folks second hand smoke. I will no longer wake up next morning and smell smoke on my clothes and more importantly I will be able to go to public places and be in a more healthier environment. I now stand by for an onslaught of critisism. smokingkills

  2. Just read in the Nottingham Evening Post that one of my wrestling heros has just died of cancer, Jackie Pallo, the guy with the pony tail haircut. He used to be saturday afternoon wrestling on regular basis fighting such people as Mick McManus, Bert Royale, etc. I remember I always tried to get home for 4 o'clock on a saturday afternoon to listen tot he late Kent Walton say 'hello grapling fans and welcome to the festival inn trowell'!

  3. You certainly know how to push the boat out Mick, Seriously though, I think that valentines day is just another money spinning gimmick dreamt up many years ago by those who want to make money out of us soft folk. If you can't show your love to your better half every single day, and have to have one day set aside to express your love, well what can I say! :Friends:

  4. Eh BIP, so sorry to read about your loss, although I don't actually know you I send my heartfelt sympathy at this very sad time for you. Times like this make you realise what good a site like this can do and how it brings total strangers into, what I believe, one united family. Take care mate, thinking of you and the rest of your family. Regards Brian.

  5. I can remember as a young lad, me and my mate would go and stand outside of a picture house that was showing a scary 'A' rated film and ask an adult if they could take us in, once in of course you would go your seperate ways, much too dangerous now to even contemplate the idea but of course, we lived in a much safer and happier world then.

  6. I love all of the above especially soul,anything 60s

    I think i'm alone here but I do not care for the Beetles. :ph34r:

    I didn't care too much for the Beatles when they first came onto the scene, they knocked my hero of his perch, but he soon came back, as the years have passed and I really have taken the time to listen to some of the Beatle songs, I've got to like them, but still not as much as my mate - The King! !fly!

  7. I can also remember going into the bigger department stores in town, I think the co-op on Parliament st was one, where, when you paid for an item they would put your dosh into a tin like container and shove it into some sort of piping system, presumably this went upstairs to the accounts dept. and if any change was due it was 'whooshed' back to you, fantastic!

  8. Do you remember - you had to change the needle on the very old record players everytime you played a record, they used to come in little round tins with about 100 in them, I'm going back before the 'dansette' (what a great machine with the drop down mechanism which made your discs slip) I'm recalling the old 'radiograms' eh - I'm not really that old, me dad told me!

  9. Can anyone, I'm sure lots of you can, remember the very austere times of the 50's just after the war. My mam would send me to the grocers shop for a pound of spec fruit, and I can remember going into our local beer off where you could buy draft beer if you took your own bottle, grocers would weigh out sugar and tea and put it into a brown bag, they would test your eggs for freshness on a rack with a light bulb under it which would shine through the shells and show up bad eggs, light bulbs would be tested before you bought them, you could buy 'blood' oranges - eh, they were the days!