notts airgirl

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Posts posted by notts airgirl

  1. My goodness yes i remember them all you remember Dina and Dave they sat at the bar most of the time.

    Also do you remember Stuart the scottish guy too?

    Toni was a little gem, it was a shame she has left now.

    I have set this up with Grahame as i was fed up not being able to go anywhere at my age and i am not ready for the couch potato thing yet.

    And yes i was a trolly dolly and i start back in March so got to wear the uniform all over again sad eh.

    so i shall see you on the night and lets hope this night will be a great success for us all.

    See you sat nite.



  2. Obviously you mean nowhere apart from The Westgate Suites on the last Friday of the month! But yes, apart from there, there really arent many places that cater for the certain age group we are aiming at.

    As for the Baltimore itself, I was there so often, my poll tax bills were sent there! In fact, my wife almost gave birth to one of our kids there, we had been there at the lunch time one day, and within hours of leaving she had given birth!

    Ive done a few gigs there in the past, including an outside broadcast when I was on Radio Trent, and the various ones for the Baltimore itself, including a big July 4 doo.

    Come on Nottstalgia folk, try and get there!

    Well we must know each other then because i was also down there a fair bit.....the good ol days eh !!

    Please come up and say hello to me as i bet i know you.

    you can e mail me on denise.baird@***

  3. On our night Frank...Ill tell you.... and im quoting from the flyer £2 on selected bottles and draught pints until 10 pm. Wine, buy 2 large glasses, get the rest of the bottle free, all night.

    Moral= get in early, and stock up on yer beer!!!!

    Btw, the night is exclusive to the soul punters, no "normal "customers. Obviously there is still food available Any kind of dress, but NO HOODIES or trainers, ......not that I have ever seen anyone into soul in a hoodie!

    8 till late

    hi Craig

    I have organised this with Grahame and i do hope we do get the right people as there is no where to go for people of our age group i must say...........

    Many years ago the Baltimore was buzzing and lets hope we get it like that again.
