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Posts posted by Frank

  1. Well, from a patient point of view,

    Had me tonsils out at the 'ospital on Chaucer Street in '56... mmmm, after, I got crusts cut off me sandwiches, jelly and ice cream and some sitting on the settee in me 'jarmas bein' looked after.

    Had life saving surgery at the old general Ear, Nose and Throat in '74.

    Other than that - nowt to say ..... but, you do a great job when required.

    Respects all round.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Yes, you are right John. It was Mr. Banham. Don't know where Mr Lamb came from - doh!!

    Metalwork was also taught by Mr Hardcastle, he had the workshop on the corner, next to Mr Dryden.

    I used to love Tech drawing but it didn't 'stretch' me. Seemed too easy, and we never got to take any exams in it.

    If I remember right, there was another classroom behind the 2 pre-fabs, but I can't recall what lessons we took in there.


    I used to go the the girls school on a night time to learn cooking, toward the end of my days there, possibly 3rd and 4th year ('66 & 67). Won a Bronze certificate in one of the competitions. Dead proud I was.

    Anyone remember the end of year disco and prize giving?

    I won book tokens 2 years on the trot for coming first in class. Had to go up on stage to collect my books (previously selected at the book shop down town - can't remember it's name at the mo). After the prize giving it was disco. Well - music was played. Don't laugh Craig. It was always held at the juniors (North Gate?)

  3. I, also, John, was proud to be in Nuthall, although I lived in Broxtowe.

    Great system, and I loved school, especially maths with Mr Dryden.

    Oh, those Logrithmic tables .....................and me slide rule.

    Really hated History (Mr Potter), Music (with Mr Lamb next door to Mr Drydens), PE and Art. Loved Metalwork as well.

    We had a French teacher the year I started, '63, but she left after at the end of term. I was just getting into French but, alas, never took it up again.

    What subjects did you like/dislike (anyone?) and how have they shaped your life??

  4. When working in the sheet metal shop many moons ago down in Birmingham, I used to keep on raising the Amps rating on the Oxford welder when my workmate was just about to strike. It resulted in lots of 'sparks' and burnt job pieces and much merriment for the rest of us as he used to go ape sh*t. Well, most of the time.

    Got his own back one Friday night though.

    Come washing up time, about 10 to 5, with a long journey home to Nottm up the old A453 before the M42 was built, I washed up, took my boots off and found both my shoes nailed to the shelf under my bench. The lads laughed. I had to get the crow bar out to release the 6" nails (had to buy new shoes later as they leaked water through the nail holes) and then, after all that, as I went to pick my rucksack up it wouldn't budge.

    Yes, he had nailed that too - straight through my Tupperware snap box into the bench shelf.

    Mrs Frank gave me what for - for ruining her best Tupperware. :blush:

  5. Been a couple of times luv - a great day out!!

    Don't forget to visit the American museum and take a close up look at the piece of 'Gun' that was siezed by Customs before it was deliverd to Saddam.

    Here's a picture of yours truely just before I flew this little 2 seat beauty.


    Did you know that the scenes from the Battle of Britain were shot over Duxford? The Red Baron v ??.

    Apparently, it was the only place they could find that did not have ground based items (telegraph poles, modern day phone boxes etc.) that would spoil the ariel shots.

    Enjoy your day out - and don't forget to sign your name in Morse Code :biggrin:

  6. Never had the pleasure of doing it Rob.

    Mrs Frank is still fit enough to visit said emporiums while I am out earning a meagre crust after Mr Brown has taken his rather large share of my hard earned.

    Still, I did manage to pop into T*s*o tonight to pick up a delightful, if over priced, Anniversary card for Mrs Frank and a nice bottle of Berringer Sparkling Rose (one of her favourites) to enjoy with our celebratory supper.

  7. Nothing to do with the topic, but do you by any chance know my cousins, John and Jenny Kelly, they live in Finchingfield, The Green?


    Well. well.

    I know John very well as he is a customer of mine. I've done some work at John's house in Finchinfield (Pr**pe*t House) , London office and Nottingham office also.

    Small world eh?

  8. Hi Dave

    We bought the daughter an electric piano for her 13th birthday some years back and it gave good service upto about 4 years ago when the grandkids and niece used to come over and 'play' on it.

    Anyhows, it stopped working one day after playing for a few minutes, shutting off and then re-starting etc, so I contacted Yamaha who recommended the 'local' repair agent who lived in Arnold.

    He came out and diagnosed the 'something-or-other PCB'

    One was duly ordered and he fitted it and it worked for about 1 day before - hey ho - it was back to square 1.

    Needless to say, he refused to come back or even answer his phone as he seemed quite content spending our £75.!!!

    Yamaha told me that the piano was obsolete and that they were not stocking spare parts as they had new models on the market, but this thing was only 13 years old and in great condition. Replacement PCB's were no longer available so I ended up contacting an electronics repair man off the net. Sent him the main Power PCB as this is what I traced the fault to, he tested it, replaced a faulty capacitor (58p) and sent me the part back.

    Since the piano was rebuilt, it is working just like new.

    If I had listened to Yamaha, I would now be £3k out of pocket!!!!!!