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Posts posted by DaveyH

  1. The church of St. John the Divine, Bulwell was situated on Quarry Road in Bulwell. Quarry Road no longer exists, part of Quarry Road was re-named Commercial Road, and the Church is now situated off Keys Close.

    Quarry Road led past the quarry to Blenheim Lane and Shaw Key Pit nicknamed Shonky Pit

    There are images of Quarry Road on Picture the Past

    I remember the church because I was a choirboy there. Got sacked though, because I only turned up for weddings. Used to ge paid a tanner a time. Quite near to it was some waste ground where a chap used to park his coach that he converted to a mobile greengrocer. I even used to clean that up for a few pennies and piece of fruit.

    Running in line with China St at the rear of it was a lane that went down to an old quarry. I am not sure, but it could have been called Sandy Lane, probably because it was sandy.

    I took a trip out to the Churce, noticed that you cannot turn into the road it is on from what would have been Quarry Road previously. It appears Rock Street, which I thought came off a junction of either Quarry or Commercial Road, now continues round in a bend and is longer than it used to be. Either that or its bad memory.

    I also remember that if you turned right out of China Street you could walk all the way down into Bulwell cenre, mostly walking down Commerical Road.

  2. Hi

    New to the site.

    I am trying to track down where I used to live as a child. I lived on China Street, Bulwell at some stage, probably about 1960-63 is. It was not far from Rufford School, which I attended. I remember the street being cobbled and there was a bakery right on the corner. At the back of the houses on the other side of the road was a dyke, the school was on the other side of that.

    There was a lampost right outside our front wall, believe we lived at number 24. I remember that when we looked out of the window in our back room, it looked onto a yard that belonged to the next few terraced houses along.

    I have checked recent maps, the street dosnt appear to exist anymore. Anyone any ideas/memories of the place? Or does anyone know where I can access any maps showing the street?

    Thanking you in hope
