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Posts posted by banjo48

  1. #48 Banana anything for me, sandwiches, cake, pancakes just love bananas.

    The best are in Thailand, after a night out, all the street vendors come out and make make banana pancakes with Nutella (choc hazelnut spread) cream on top, they are so good they have to be tried to be believed.

    The Thai bananas are so sweet, but smaller than normal ones.

  2. Think there was another thread floating around on here a fair while back I think re CB, my mum was heavily involved in cb radio, as being an elderly widow, it was her link to the outside world and she developed lots of new friends directly from her cb radio days.

    She was in a club too and I'm sire they used to meet at Mapperley golf club sometimes

    When I had to clear her house in 2005 she still had all the gear in a box in the spare room, shame but it all went in the skip !

    The big aerial I put up for her was still attached to the back wall of the house though, as it was just too hard for me to get up there then to remove.

    She also had a long wire antennae that someone had put up for her, and a shortwave receiver, which I did hang onto but later sold.

  3. Just wondered if anyone can remember a small factory just off Woodborough road down towards Morley avenue ?

    Will try and post a Google map image.

    <iframe src="!1m0!3m2!1sen!2sau!4v1435214142893!6m8!1m7!1sWF0cMASaZGny351ufV_KWA!2m2!1d52.979767!2d-1.134935!3f147.51189044297178!4f-19.018632036192912!5f0.7820865974627469"width="400" height="300" frameborder="0" style="border:0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    I assume this is where it stood or it could have been Bladen court.

    I bought a car once from the owner of this company but cannot remember what they made, may have been clothing or something.

    Think he lived in one of the big mansions further along Mapperley tops towards Arnold lane.

    No real relevance today but interested.

  4. In oz we have an app thing where, if we witness a litter drop of any kind, you take a picture and it gets sent to the nearest council, if the registration number is visible or the person can be identified they get a fine in the mail.

    But as said it's a huge problem especially the chewing gum, which I noticed really spoiled the market square when I was there last September.

    I've seen dumpers at the side of a bin still throw it on the floor ! and don't get me started on cigarette ends !

    • Upvote 1
  5. No Margie not Woodthorpe I dont think.

    My main round was down Whitingham to Moore then up to Westdale, up to Hazel grove, a few on Steadman then up to Mapperley plains out to just past the old miners welfare, I'd then pedal like buggery to get back home for breakfast before pedaling down to school in Gedling ! no wonder I had big thighs then.

    And yes in all weathers rain shine and sometimes snow ! but It taught me to save and buy the things I wanted, my first buy was a transistor radio from Suggs on King or Market street.

    I always had some jobs going at that time, even delivering groceries for Marsdens on Mapperley tops at one time. Now that was hard on their stupid bike with the basket up front, used to get some good tips though.

    • Upvote 2
  6. We've got Dengue fever here too, and Ross River virus, all spread by mozzies. One of my grandaughters had RR recently, its like a flu with swollen glands, she live just North of Perth ! can take up to 2 years to clear from the body.

    Ticks are horrible nasty things, I hate them more than anything. My youngest had one on her neck, my wife thought it was a mole so stuck a band aid (elastoplast) on it, after a few days she said to me "please have a look at that mole on Lara's neck" I of course forgot till later at shower time, I could not believe it, it was huge and well embedded, could not get it off so we had a trip to the docs, where they anesthetized the area and dug it out.

  7. Funny how something unleashes the memories, the mention of Wintergreen.

    My dad used it all the time so as a kid I related that smell to him, he had back and neck problems most of his adult life so used copious amounts of the stuff, and mum was always rubbing it on for him.

    I despise smoking, but when I get a certain wiff of it now and again I think back to my dad and brother who were a heavy Park Drive smokers. Same with pipe tobacco, makes me think of my great uncle Harry.

  8. Spanish root, actually saw some in an English lolly shop here a few months ago, but at $5 a stick I gave it a miss !

    Did see a program not that long ago about the demise of Pontefract cakes, due to the availability of natural liquorice root now, can't remember where it comes from but suppose Spain.

    I know it was grown in Yorkshire once probably to supply the Pontefract cakes trade maybe. Wouldn't surprise me either if it wasn;t grown in China too though I wouldn't chance eating it from there.

  9. What ever happened to Bovril ? used to love it and the Bovril crisps too, we used to see it here but not anymore, maybe the madcow thing ?

    Brother had bread and sugar sandwiches too but I didn't like it, I used to eat treacle out the tin though, no wonder I have teeth trouble.

    Lyles Golden Syrup .

    Loved rhubarb crumble with custard too, we occasionally get it here in the lower Eastern states where the climate is cooler to grow it.

    As an aside to the madcow thing, we are not allowed to be blood donors here due to living in the madcow era in the uk.

  10. Welcome Fiftiesboy, my local haunts were the Cavo, Carlton, Tavern and Goose, on a Thursday or Friday night we would do the rounds and usually end up at the Carlton or Goose for last orders.

    Great times and many memories for me in that era. Loved live bands that were on the circuit at the time.

    On one of my previous trips back to my home town, I again popped in the Cavo, but was shocked first to see a car wash in the car park, and the inside was a real disappointment too, but did see an old one of the lads, of the times and caught up with the latest goss and who had slipped by the wayside or are no longer with us, to where we are now.

    He was still a regular in the bar after all these years.

    The Goose has gone too and the Carlton is horrible, just about only one left is the Tavern but not been in for quite a while.

  11. Think it's a fact of older age, we need less sleep.

    Not much fun at 4-00am but hey at least we woke up !

    Someone somewhere maybe didn't.

    I wake every morning now at around 2-00am for a call of nature, then again at 4-00am, then it's a catnap till maybe 6-00. if I'm lucky.

    Get to see some great sunrises anyway, and the extra hours awake is I suppose a bonus.

    • Upvote 3
  12. Had to smile Carni, my wife did almost the exact thing last week !

    She insists I go in front on the pushbikes, as she is a little nervous. So I'm pedaling merrily along the cycle path with my wife 5 or so meters behind, turned my head and asked if she wanted to stop for a coffee, yes she replies so I turned off the path onto the grass to get to the coffee shop, I turn to see if she is following, just in time to see her grind to a halt on the grass and fall sideways, then do a somersault backwards with the momentum.

    Even the coffee shop lady came running out to see if she was ok, but it was more her pride that was injured than anything thank god.

    When I asked her why she stopped and didn't put her feet down she said "I don't know"

    Womens logic methinks.

    • Upvote 3
  13. The El Greco was my brothers favorite when he was younger and a regular around town, he took me there a few times after a night out in the city when I was probably around 16-17.

    Mind my brother only probably had steak and chips as he didn't eat much foreign stuff, in them days, as he called it.

    In later life he virtually lived on food from his local Chinese which he pre ordered and picked up on his way home from the pub. Probably part of his final demise if truth be known. That and alcohol and fags.

  14. Was listening to a late night radio story last night re Christopher Lee, he was the longest surviving Hollywood actor ever with an estimated turnover in US$ of his movies of $8.9billion !

    How they worked that one out god knows, but he was still actively making movies till last year they said.

    We have a re run starting tonight of the Hammer Horror films in recognition of his achievements to the film industry as a whole.


  15. That shark is an average size for a full grown White, though they can be slightly bigger but are rarely seen as the mainly cruise te deeper oceans.

    About 15 years ago, I had a 6.5m boat and used to pull my recreational lobster pots first light in a morning around 6-00am. before work.

    This particular morning my middle daughter came out with me, so yes it was witnessed, we pulled our first pot and emptied the lobsters then re-baited and throw back in, and moved to the next.

    It was one of those days when the water was crystal clear and I could easily see the bottom about 18m deep, as the last pot came up from the seabed, I could see a shark circling the pot and snapping the juvenile lobsters that were falling from the escape slots (all lobster pots have escape slots, so the smaller lobsters can escape to keep the fishery stock healthy) as we pulled the pot closer to the boat the shark became bigger as it came nearer the surface !

    When we got the pot to the boat, the shark too came alongside and it's tail was near the outboard engine and it's head was in front of the boats bow ! now remember the boat was 6.5m (21'6") in old money) .

    We regularly saw smaller whites and tigers, but that one was my biggest, my daughter still mentions it now as how scared she was but thought we were quite safe in the boat, yeh right ! a shark that size can easily flip a boat if it wishes and have been known to bite the propeller sometimes.

    And yes I still eat shark with chips, it is very good with pure white flesh and no bones ever, as they only have cartilage unlike other fish.

    • Upvote 2
  16. Exercise is addictive it's a proven fact, it releases endorphins in the blood stream which are the feel good hormone, one of my daughters aged 32 started running with a friend for fun about a year ago, she was never athletic at school or ever ran in her life before. Knowing her well, we thought it was a joke !

    She now runs half and full marathons and has lost 25kg in weight, she looks and feels great and it has totally changed her life.

    Might add she's not a speed freak but has heaps of stamina to do the longer distances.

    • Upvote 5
  17. I went to the Isle of Wight pop festival with 3 mates, had a ball over the 3 days we were there, mind it was a bit chaotic to say the least, the facilities (read toilets) just could not handle the crowds and well I'll leave that to the imagination.

    The local pubs did a roaring trade with massive queues building before opening times, as they opened the crowd would rush in, not to the bar but the toilets ! In the end the toilets all became blocked and unusable.

    We got sick of the mess and crowds and headed back to the mainland. One memory was of sitting on "suicide hill" watching Jimmy Hendrix in action in the distance and the haze of marijuana was so bad drifting up the slope it was like fog ! we didn't do drugs, but god we did that night without even trying.

    Slept in a field under a milk churn stand and nearly froze to death doing it it was so cold in the early hours.

    The joys of youth ! wouldn't have missed it for the world though.

    • Upvote 2
  18. Here in oz, a "no hoper" young girl knows she can get knocked up, get government payouts, from around $5k instant payment then child allowance on top of their single parent allowance, and the final cherry on the cake not be required to work or look for work till the child is around 5 years old, where the just bang another out if not already done so.

    Some of these single mothers have multiple kids from multiple fathers and it goes on and on, the kids are brought up in a poor environment and have little or no chance but to continue the spiral.

    I have even heard of these young women, deliberately get pregnant to buy another car with the bounty !

    No wonder our society in general is going down the toilet.

    Using contraceptives means less benefits......... Also, if 'social workers ' were in the real world instead of the Observers view of it, then we'd all fare better.

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  19. I have a photo of my 3 youngest daughters when they were 5 (twins) and 3, in one of those blow up paddling pools, with the next door neighbors little boy, all stark naked ! they cringe now when dad ever mentions it, I threaten to post it on their Facebook page, with howls of protests from them.

    I never would obviously but they don't know that. The youngest is 30 now.

    • Upvote 3