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Posts posted by banjo48

  1. As an aside here, is there any apps (talking OS8 for an Ipad Air) that can kill adds before they drive me mad ! Don't mind paying a small fee if it works ?

    I have an Ipad Air but rarely use it as I just hate loading adds all the time, I have gone into settings and supposedly stopped it there but I still get inundated with the blessed things when surfing the net.

    On my win7 laptop I have, as said previously Firefox Adblocker and for my rare Facebook use, I have FB Purity which kills the buggers there.

    But the Ipad is so much easier to carry around full time than a laptop.

  2. #9

    No Michael Trackers are just that, they track your every page you visit to ascertain your browsing, they are not key loggers, which can steal your passwords or bank details.

    You don't realise they are there till you run a program like Ghostery. This then gives you the option to stop them tracking your activity.

    Their main objective is to build a picture of you computer activity, not personal details, which would be illegal. Your computer has an IP address which it leaves at every site as a record of your visit, these trackers harvest this info to tailor adds etc. to your browsing history.

    That's how it was explained to me, do a Google on web trackers and you will be shocked.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Alisoncc

    That would be a worry !

    I'd be taking it up with Paypal asap, I've never had any issues with PP in probably 10 years use. Have had the odd scam email when I'm selling something on Gumtree or whatever, but my PP account has always been fine with no silly followups as you explain.

    Maybe close that account and re register another one with new passwords etc.

  4. Unless you run an anti tracking program on your computer you just don't realise who and what is tracking your keyboard actions !

    I was recommended a program called Ghostery, (there's probably many more) it runs silently in the background but as a page loads it gives you a small list of who and what is tracking that action.

    You then have the option to stop any tracker dead in it's tracks :-))

    Google and Facebook have heaps of these trackers constantly mining your browsing history, and both sell your info for their gain to marketing companies.

    These trackers are not to be confused with malicious content, they just follow where you go on the net and report back to base so they can compile a profile of your actions for marketing or whatever purposes.

    Even logging on here to Nottstalgia gives a list of trackers ! no matter what you look for or do on a computer, some one somewhere wants to know.

  5. The name "Tottle brook" suddenly unearthed childhood memories, I was born in Lenton Abbey council estate and spent the first 6 years of my life playing around the area locally.

    Remember hunting for frogs in the Tottle brook, and climbing over a tin fence to get to the lakes which must have been in the Wollaton hall grounds.

    We called it "over the tins" when we were heading there, we were gruesome buggers because we used a garden can with a 6" nail with the head sawn off, tied in the cane end to make a rather nasty spear !

    Also remember my brother and his mates, 6 years older than me, making some sort of burner thing out of a baked bean tin with holes in the bottom like a mini brazier. They used a bit of twisted fence wire to make a handle so you didn't burn yourself while holding it and running to get the air flowing through it to get the twigs and sicks to burn.

    They used to run around with these things issuing sparks and smoke, god knows why ? but it was fun at the time watching them.

  6. My old mum, now passed, grew up in old St Anne's and knew hard times from being little until she met and married dad, one of her regular sayings was "If you can't afford it wi real money, you can't afford it"

    She detested HP, or "on tic" as being the youngest in a fatherless family of 4, she got the left overs and had the job of answering the door to the "Tic" man and saying mam was out, can he come again later. Gran was a boozer and beer came before everything else.

    Money scared my mum to death, and she was always saving for that "rainy day" just in case.

    In these times of plenty I think we lose touch of the hard times our parents suffered back then.

    • Upvote 6
  7. My wife's brother is with Talk Talk and he's had nothing but trouble with poor service which after 6 months was diagnosed as faulty underground cabling somewhere from the main connection box out on the road and his house.

    While I was there last year I checked out the house wiring and connections, being an ex BT tech myself. (in fact I installed his internal points many years ago)

    All this took just over 6 months to sort out ! something that during my BT days would have taken maybe a couple of days, tops.

    After privatisation all these extra providers give such a great opportunity to throw the fault into someone else's basket, and walk away !

    Progress eh?

  8. Stay positive Michael, my wife's friend went through this 15 years ago, she lost a breast but is still with us and just celebrated her 70th, new techniques and today's doctors give even better results.

    Will be sending good vibes for you and your wife.

    • Upvote 1
  9. Nature never ceases to amaze me.

    Just today we had one of those days when all the ants around erupt with flying ants moving on to make new colonies, watching the local birds feasting was like watching a gymnastics team chasing the little buggers everywhere.

  10. Mum always used gravy salt and Bisto plus the meat juices or boiled potato water sometimes.

    Over here we use Maggi rich gravy mix, it's in a commercial size package of 2 kg but tastes bloody great especially on fresh chips with a bread roll and butter.

    Went into a cafe once and had chips and gravy, the gravy was so good I asked what they used and that's how I got onto Maggi.

    And checking the label as I always do nowadays there are no nasties or preservatives etc in it.

    I'm allergic to msg flavour enhancers so have to watch for this.

  11. Oldace

    Think Stu Morris and Kenny Johnson trained in Wado ryu, not sure where their dojo was though.

    Yes we were very lucky to get Shiro Asano in Nottingham, whoever pulled that deal off did well ! Think Albert had a part in it at the time.

    Always remember one of Asano's sayings when after a few beers or his favorite Schnapps down the Bier Keller, was,

    " many styles of martial arts punch make nose bleed, especially kung fu, Shotokan punch break nose" !

    Just talking here about this subject brings back so many great memories for me, all England championships at Crystal Palace, the Nottm university championships, a fantastic time in my life and proud to have been part of it, and the camaraderie we had as a club both in training and socializing afterwards.

  12. #42 tony1

    Still shoot rabbit to eat to this day ! my wife's not keen but give me good rabbit stew any day, just beautiful if cooked slowly in a casserole with nice herbs and spices.

    An old farmer I was talking to the other day gave me a recipe for Fricassee of rabbit, cooked in milk, sounded delicious but yet to try it.

    My brother and I used to fight as kids who got the back loin strips as they were considered the best meat (and still are).

    I read onsome uk shooting forums of chaps there eating squirrels and crows ! think I would draw the line at that.

    Mind before I emigrated I also shot wood pidgeon in the uk. but always gave it my mum as it was far too strong for me.

    I suppose eating rabbit is no different to South Americans eating guinea pigs ! I love lamb but cringe the thought when I see the new lambs in the fields, but sorry to say I still eat it.

    • Upvote 1
  13. Here in oz we are generally taxed fairly high, but as a pensioner we are basically tax free so long as we are below the first tax threshold, most pensioners are unless they have income streams from other sources.

    I haven't done a tax return now for over 10 years and hopefully never will again thank goodness, unless I win lotto then I wont mind !!

  14. Three of my grandchildren here in oz train in oz, they do Wado ryu.

    The elder one has been doing it for around 5 years now so is fairly competent for his age of 14, the younger twin girls have been training for a couple of years.

    The great thing of most martial arts training is it train the mind too, it is not just a physical thing. It is a fantastic sport for personal development and confidence building.

    #16 Taxi Ray

    It was great to read Albert is still with us, yes he was a school teacher from Beeston, he too was a gentleman and you could not meet a nicer man, and as said before, for his age he was amazing then !

    He took mt first beginners class and his patience and determination had to be seen to be believed.

    I remember Aiden Trimbles first training session at Carlton forum well, my BIL took the beginners class and I trained too as I often did even though I was a purple belt by then.

    It could clearly be seen that Aiden had that special something then, that allowed him to progress to where he is now.

    Will have to look him up when I come over again and hopefully Albert if he is still with us.

  15. In the 50's I grew up on dads chickens, fresh eggs, home grown veggies and fresh rabbit ! home grown of course. Blue buttons and mushrooms in season, again dad had his special local spots.

    Love liver and onions or bacon mmnnn! really cheap here in oz as only the poms eat it, I can get couple of kilo for $2 (pound)

    Don't much care for kidney though unless it's minced up in a steak and kidney pie or pudding. Bread and dripping I've mentioned before, always do my own when we have leg of pork joint. Making my mouth water just talking about these past delicacies.

    • Upvote 2
  16. My wifes brother and I joined Nottingham Karate club when it moved to Carlton Forum, we went along for a 6 week beginners course for a laugh really but both became "hooked" pretty quick.

    I actually had to trwist my BIL's arm to go as he was unsure at the time it was for him.

    Anyway Roy ended up being world individual Shotokan champion twice and a fourth dan level, me being older and less committed ended up 1st kyu, one level below black belt (but I trained regularly for many years) just did not take the grades.

    During my time with the club the Nottingham team was at it's most successful, and won many championships around the UK and the world.

    Original members of the team was , Mick Hufton, Vince Morris, Roy Harrison, Paul Mead, and later Aiden Trimble among others the old memory lets me down now.

    The original founder was Albert Hampson an older bloke but super fit for his age and many more.

    Asano became a very good friend and Roy and I used to take him fishing, one of his favorite pastimes, and we partied well after some training sessions, another of Shiro's favorite's !

    He used to invite us and a select few back to his flat in Mapperley park and the drinking and eating went on into the small hours many times, I always felt for his neighbours at the time.

    Asano then married and moved to Westdale lane where he still lives (or did at least last year) his health is not good at present though.

    His daughters are also very high in the Karate world now and have taken over as sensei.

    I have many happy memories of both training and our social side including helping to build Asano's private dojo (gym) in his back yard, and his other later failed venture of a larger private dojo in Radford.

    I was lucky to train with and under some of the best in the game at the time, Asano, Kanazawa, Enoeda to name just few of the Japanese sensei.

    Vince Morris lives in California now training still with his own self defense academy, and does special training with the Los Angeles police department.

    Aiden Trimble became an actor, author and fight choreographer for some movies, he's still in the game from what I was told.

    Paul Mead is still training and runs the Chilwell Olimpia dojo.

    Met up with Mick Hufton and his wife Carol recently at a BBQ in the UK held by a younger member of the shotokan crew, Phil Cooper (or cooperman as we called him).

    Phil and Mick have both been out to oz to visit. Also Asano who met Roy in Sydney during another shotokan tour.

    Mick suffers badly with artritis but is still a genuine gentleman.

    Roy Harrison ran his own clubs in the UK,one in Calveton for a while before emigrating to Australia in 87.

    He now plays serious golf all over Asia while also running his own successful flooring business.

    Great times and memories with some great people.

    • Upvote 3
  17. I take a high dose fish oil for my arthritis, used to take Krill oil too but it became a bit of a pretentious issue down here because of it's sustainability in the antarctic.

    My wife cooks her regular breakfast omlettes in olive oil, but I hate the smell of it when heated, I use rice bran oil now as it's supposed to be one of the best for you.

    • Upvote 2
  18. We still get Cracker Barrel cheese here in oz. and Old Jamaican chocolate.

    Dad had a set of chimney rods and brushes and drain rods with curly bits that screwed in the end to dislodge blockages ! Yuk, one of the few jobs he did I hated was watching him rod somebody's blocked drain and the smell, he used to end up with it all over him sometimes, don't know how mum let him in the house after some jobs he did.

    But it was all part of the job of a general builder.

    His clothes went in a bucket and him straight in the bath afterwards !

    • Upvote 1
  19. My great aunt had a projector with a set of Laurel & Hardy movies, my all time favorite I think, had them moving a piano and there was a gorilla and rope bridge in it from memory even though I'd seen it many times I used to beg her to put it on.

    A few others come to mind but only the big blockbusters of more recent times.

    • Upvote 1
  20. Can't help Ivor, I always lob up to my rellies, unannounced sometimes ! love the sight on their faces when I knock on the door and ask if they've got the kettle on.

    Last trip was pre organised though so my bedroom was all set up for me like a B&B, tv and all.

    I've always got a fall back too at an old mates place in Yorkshire where I can rock up and be made most welcome anytime, we now regularly speak by email after losing contact for many years.