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Posts posted by Malarkey

  1. My niece was waiting outside Rock City (about half past 4) when Jake Bugg-head down-walked past with a couple of friends. He was surprised that she recognised him. She didn't let on that she'd "know that little nose anywhere".

    Sis' and I arrived much later (in time for the second support). Jake was great-played the songs from his CD and Folsom Prison Blues.

    Being a Springsteen fan I was surprised to be home by 10.30 though......and that included a visit to Tesco for some emergency bagals.

  2. Cheese and Marmite, Brie and cranberry or a tasty egg and mushroom lad for me. Aunty Mary often gave me Pobs for supper (Whaton ave). And Mum made the onion cucumber mix as part of Sunday tea (Maypole). Also, had the tinned fruit and thinly sliced brown bread and butter combi. For years I thought evaporated milk was cream.

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  3. Born in 1960 my early Christmas memories go the pillow case stocking route-never liked sugar pigs though.

    If memory serves me right my parents had regular beer deliveries back then. Certainly dad had cans (larger) adorned with bikini clad babes.

    Later married/divorced with children I loved the Christmas prep'. Always a real tree the presents underneath a tryumph of hard work and savings.

    Nest empty I spent a memorable Christmas at a Franciscan Friary in Northumberland. 6am Mass on Christmas Day sun rising and Brothers singing was beautiful.

    A few Christmass with No 2 or playing the who's having mum this year game and it was time for new traditions.

    Christmas Eve 2008 Peacock Mansfield Rd. Me to friend "there's a service about to start at St Peter's. Shall we go.

    Since then it's been St Mary's-Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols. Back to mine food, drink and presents. Last year a Japanese friend joined us.

    I don't believe in God or Santa Claus.


    I love Christmas.


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  4. Joy of living...........Ewan Mcoll.

    If I Should Fall behind........Bruce Springsteen and the E Street band.

    Time to Say Goodbye..........Sarah Brightman.

    Somewhere Over The Rainbow.........Judy Garland.

    Something from Bob Dylan.....

    Something from The Pogues or the Dubliners....The Parting Glass maybe?

    Too many I know and not all Appropriate-feel a "mix tape" coming on.

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  5. Used to go to see the Navigators at the Running Horse on a Saturday afternoon (90s). Often went to Scruffy Murphys afterwards. If skint we'd chip in and ask Garath(?) for something vegetarian-Invariably delicious. Would get Springsteen cd played and sing along.......Glory Days.

    First post so fingers crossed it's ok