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Posts posted by darkazana

  1. Well done all again, sometimes you don't realise the steps that you cover if you are enjoying a walk around sight seeing. No rush, just taking it nice and easy, it soon builds up.

    I have had another office day, but also still sorting out hanging basket etc when it was quiet......dodging the bursts of rain and hail and managed to get 7788 steps in, so although not 10000 + it's still above my normal step count, and that was without a jaunt around the site tonight.

    As for Morecambe, I have never been, but I do remember we took a steam train to Minehead once.......spent a very short time walking up the high street, went into a pub where even the menu was sticky and decided to spend the rest of the trip back on the steam train waiting for it to leave!!!

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  2. Day off (from work) yesterday, so a late start and a rainy day didn't help, as I spent an hour or so catching up with my tapestry (a project I started over 20 years ago and resumed last year at Poolsbrook - should finish it while here at Sandringham) a cup of coffee and a spot of lunch and my tally was 963 steps :ohmy:

    Still raining after lunch and we set of for Holkham Hall, an inside viewing day.

    After a walk around Holkham Hall...followed by a cream tea (day off from sensible diet too) a quick visit to the shops for some veggies and home, 3450 and it was still raining, not encouraging to take a walk.

    However after tea the sun was shining so 7.30pm saw me taking a brisk walk up the A148 for 20 minutes. That's better. My tally for the day by bedtime was 7011......boy did I have to work at it. Sometimes that's just the way it is. I have to admit I really didn't feel like trying by the time we got back from our day out, but my mood changed when the sun came out........shows how we can be influenced by external factors.

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  3. Don't know if I'd be allowed to put in a pond, PeverilPeril. Everything has to be risk assessed on site and it might be deemed a danger to children. I had thought about it but will have to discuss it with the powers that be. We will be building an insect hotel out of recyclable material though, and hopefully putting some rainwater butts at the back of the office to save water for the hanging baskets etc.

    Most of the plants we will be using will be coming from my garden at home....I seem to have an abundance, especially lemon balm, buddleia, rosemary and lavender, they all love to self seed.

    • Upvote 1
  4. Well I started to post my activities of yesterday and it turned into a long blog, so I have started a new thread Wildlife Haven, which I shall continue to add to over the next few months, in the meantime my activities of yesterday brought my steps up to 11565, very pleased with that.

    I think one of the best benefits of our extra curricular activities is knowing it is improving our health, Carni. I have more energy since watching my diet and increasing my exercise. It's good to know that you are also enjoying better health. It's certainly a strong incentive to continue keeping fit.

    • Upvote 4
  5. Busy busy yesterday. Along with the usual warden duties we spent a lot of time relocating plants from pots troughs and hanging baskets ready for the summer bedding plants.

    We also worked on 2 eco friendly areas which I have initiated onsite. Building natural barriers and a log pile in one area and starting on a planned bee and butterfly haven in another, all of which will help to sustain the dwindling population of our pollinators and add to the enjoyment of our club members I hope.

    The construction of the natural habitat area meant foraging in Glucksburg Woods for fallen branches and logs being careful to take only newly fallen materials so as to leave established habitats undisturbed.

    Both areas are being constructed where there are huge swathes of nettles, which have to be cleared by hand, but also leaving enough controlled growth as they are an important part of the eco chain, attracting many insects which in turn attract birds and other creatures.

    I shall try to post some pictures of our progress over the next 7 months of our stay here at Sandringham.

    • Upvote 8
  6. I would imagine your true total was well over what you recorded Carni, and well done on your weight loss, always a great boost to the confidence and encourages you to keep up with the work thumbsup Have a great holiday.

    Melissa I can well believe your Mum gets in a good amount of steps. With my fitbit I am a member of the Fitbit Forum, and in particular of a Diabetes group. There are 45 of us in that particular group and we have a league table of how you do with your steps. I am usually around 10th-12th. the person who is at the top averages around 42000 steps a day!!! so 27000 is easily attainable if you have the sort of job where you are on your feet all day.

    My total for today (and this being another office/duty warden day for me) is 8582, helped along by my double circuit of the site tonight. I am now at the stage where I feel guilty if I haven't done my nightly round!!

    Have a good weekend walkers.

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  7. Well done all and especially Melissa's Mum.....wow that will take some beating, even my hubby can't beat that and he is usually around the 15000 mark each day (I don't report it every day it makes me feel inadequate heehee)

    So onto my humble offerings after a day (well 2 hours actually) of toilet cleaning....can life get any better??? But I love it really

    After lunch a spot of welcome happy campers office/reception work and then out to start on titivating the old flower displays to make room for the summer blooms when they arrive, plus a little TLC for my own little treasures who are quietly growing away in my cheap but effective plastic greenhouse, growbags and pots.

    After tea a catch up with Facebooks fitness challenge, a mini circuit training of 3 minutes and I have managed to attain the total of 8024.

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  8. Just to add my support along with everyone else Michael. It's good that you can keep smiling and find humour in the face of such trauma, this helps to keep you positive and to stay strong. Best wishes to you both, as always.

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  9. Not a bad start Melissa, That's more than I manage on some days. I was shocked to realise when I first started using my fitbit that on a normal day at home I was only doing around 2-3000 steps, which was why I started using the treadmill. I think you sort of get addicted to it because now I can do 5000 steps and upwards no problem, and love finidng different ways of adding steps.

    Yesterday I did 7791 steps without trying, which was excellent as it was an office day, but we were also planning all the floral displays which meant a walk around the site and so the steps were added.

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  10. Have a great day out with your daughter today Carni, I'm sure you'll get some steps in. I'm still saving up my calories for a fish and chip day out at Wells Next The Sea....we have to cycle there from Holkham Hall for me to earn them....hopefully on Monday if the weather is good (I'm a fair weather cyclist!!)

    Melissa, even in the office you can get steps in. it's recommended that office workers should get up every hour if only to walk around the office. It's amazing how the steps mount up. Even parking the car a bit further away from the door, or getting off a bus a stop early and of course using stairs instead of the lift. there are loads of ways to boost your steps. You'll enjoy the challenge even more trying to work out how to do it. Good luck mi duck. (If you have a wii fit, the step part of the aerobics game really boosts your steps too)

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  11. Well here it is....drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr umroll!!) ta daaaaaa 9209....

    Not quite to your dizzy heights yet Carni, but had a jolly good day getting there.

    Visited Wolferton this morning. The royal station where the royals used to get off the train on their way to Sandringham....very neatly kept now and a pleasant trip out. Dersingham marshes are just down the road, so we'll have a walk through the reserve next time I think.

    After this we had a pilgrimage to Our Lady's Shrine at Walsingham, and a peaceful walk round the centre there.

    Then after a cup of tea back at our friends house in Hillington I went for a brisk walk up towards Flitcham and back just for good measure.

    Looking forward to seeing if you can keep up with us owduns Melissa, have fun tomorrow and don't forget to report in. :)

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  12. Still not a bad score for yesterday carni, I only managed 3797 on my fitbit, mainly because we went for a house viewing which was a total 3 hours driving so not much walking done there. Then shopping but that obviously didn't add much either. Then because we had our offer accepted it was off to the pub for a bit of a jolly.

    Still did have a bit of exercise later on, 50 long arm crunches, as they were called, (sort of sit ups with your arms raised) as part of a facebook 30 day fitness thingy, so perhaps they may count for something.

    Today we are off on a touristy day so hopefully lots of walking involved.

  13. Melissa, the exercise will help shift the pounds especially if coupled with a good diet. I lost a pound a week when I had to lose weight and have kept it off. Best way for this is cut portion sizes and watch your carbs and fats. Don't cut anything out completely, but watch the snacking, cakes, biscuits, crisps etc. It's hard at first, but after a while your body adjusts and you don't miss the extras. Now for me a treat is just that and so much more enjoyable.

    You will be needing at least 6000 steps a day to help with this.

    Good luck and we look forward to you joining us with the stepcercise :jumping:

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  14. I know how you feel Carni. After cleaning the loos today by lunchtime I had around 4000 on the fitbit. After lunch hubby and I set about clearing a big patch of nettles for about an hour, amount of steps recorded?.....368!!!!!all that pulling up and no steps involved, I was gutted!

    Still since then we have come to our friends house as we are looking after their chucks while they are away (they live just down the road from Sandringham) and after that I now have 7147 steps...bizarrely I don't feel as whacked as I did after pulling up nettles!!

    • Upvote 1
  15. Wow, you've got me beat Carni, I only managed 4900ish today, another office day but decided to give my body a rest too as it is Sunday, and my feet were feeling it as those steps were all done in and around the office checking in 56 campers, so no walk round the site tonight, just a sit down with my knitting in front of Midsomer Murders :)

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  16. Well maybe, Cliff Ton, but then again they only sell the cards, not the jewelry. We shall have our 10th anniversary this month,(this being the second time round for us both, we made 22 years each in our respective former marriages) and as BilboroughShirley says it's tin, so we'll probably have a tin of salmon for tea!!! It's not a major landmark for us, though I daresay by todays standards it could well be for some. Our first one will be the traditional 25 years - silver. We have worked out to celebrate our 60th anniversary we will be 108-109 years young....that should be some target to aim for I think.

    • Upvote 3