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Posts posted by bmack

  1. just read through the 39 pages of this forum. Really made me laugh. Some of the sayings I haven't heard since I was a child. We moved from Nottingham (Bulwell) to Canada when I was seven. But my mother used a lot of these saying. Nesh, mardy, being two of the words that I still use. I also "mash" tea, not steep it.

    When I asked what was for dinner, it was always, a run round the table and a kick at the pantry door. And when I was being nosy, and asking what something was " Jim Jams to put meddler's noses in.

    My mother retained her Bulwell accent until the day she died. But I learned very quickly and practiced a lot, to talk Canadian, so not to get my face washed in snow, for talking funny. This was in the 50's when there were not a lot of British immigrants to small town Ontario. But I find as I get older that the old saying and phrases come more easily to mind and off the tongue. Things that I haven't said or thought about in 60 years I find myself saying. I guess one always comes back to ones roots.


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