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Posts posted by nigel3

  1. Hi,

    This nigel posting a reply from Pat Bullers/Townsend..

    Pat Bullers

    Hi, although I do not recall your name, I have many memories of the bohemian. My name was pat townsend, I met graham on feb 14 1961, he and Elfie had split up the previous Christmas, they had a daughter called Donita, and we opened the first Donita restaurant in may 1962 on carington street and 18 months later another on lower parliament street. I do remember Geoff Brooke's and his wife Rhonda, the broke up around 1964ish. And yes certainly remember their house on musters road. Do you remember any staff who worked there? There was Gloria, who lived on a houseboat at Trent bridge, and Joan long, who I believe taught at the college near the forest. There was a girl from the arts college who would sing greensleeves and she hung out with a david. there was also a guy called spike that played and sang folk songs. Graham and I came to Canada in 1971, we married in Toronto and then moved out west to edmonton, we split up in 1975. We remained friends until his death in 2008. The Bo was a real social meeting place that I have a lot of fond memories, glad to know others remember it also.

  2. Hello,

    Graham was my Father, yes he passed away a few years ago here in Canada.

    He ran the 2 Donita's, there was a 3rd for a short while.. and the Bohemian. I went to Donita's as a child, but the Bohemian was already closed.

    Graham was a carpenter. In the Boh theer was a bar made of marble.. ahead of its time... Graham built himself.. he got the marble from a headstone shop, the broken ones.

    He placed speakers in the cieling, so again ahead of his time.. but the wires all ran back to the kitchen where somebody had to climb up into the cieling to change the record.. old school..

    Graham loved that time and talked about the people that attended the Boh, pete Seger performed there one night after a concert. Because of its propximity to the theatre, and the fact that it was the only place open late at night, many famous people visited and musicians performed there.

    The most famous band that could have played there, never did, Graham spent sometime with the owner of a club up north, he was trying to get small venues to showcase this new band he had.. Graham travelled a few times to talk about this band.. and met with the owners of a couple of clubs around the UK... and the Manager of the Band, Brian. The band was in germany touring.. by the time they came back though.. things were moving a little fast and they were too busy for the small tour, Brian Epstein took them all the way to #1.. as the Beatles..

    Donitas was named after his daughter.. Donita, my half sister and Elfi's daughter.

    Pat Townswend also managed the places for a while, she married Graham when the moved to Canada the last time... They did not stay married...

    Graham had visited Canada as a young Man, a carpenter by trade he made a lot of money and bought the club and restuarants.. he also brought back ideas like toasted sanwhiches, which in the 1960's were new for the UK.

    Graham had a mentor... Jack Moss, he owned and ran FJ Moss the dental technician lab, over by and above the Bus terminal I think. Jack was my grandfather on my mothers side.

    Oh right, Graham also sang in the BOH from time to time... thats how he met my mother.. Joan..

    I never saw any pictures of teh Boh, or the events there... If nayone has pics, i would love to see them. I do have one of their small memeber cards.. another idea of his...