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Posts posted by ExwatnallblokeGerry

  1. Hi, Bilbraborn - I wonder if you were one of the youngsters in there when I paid a visit, many years ago. I took a friend to see the place, and I'd gone on a bit about how it was all top secret. We stood outside the big steel doors, that were very solidly welded shut, and we suddenly heard kids' voices from inside! Someone said they had got in through the air-conditioning system. Was that you?!

    When I did eventually get inside, some time later, I was disappointed to see how it had been knocked around (I'm not blaming you!). A lot of the stuff had been pinched, probably for scrap value. I'd have loved one of the wall-clocks - they were marked off in different colours at two-and-a-half-minute intervals, and we chaps who worked at the tables had to keep a constant eye on them and use markers of the appropriate colour so that the controllers (ina big glass-fronted gallery above us) could look down and see which information was bang up to date. Simple idea, but clever.

  2. This is my first attempt at writing anything on this site, so I may well be doing it wrong! I found the site a couple of nights ago and spotted a few references to the old underground RAF bunker at Watnall. Great - 'cos I was a National Serviceman there (what was called a 'fighter plotter') in 1952 and '53. I'd never heard of Watnall before I was sent there, but it's remained a part of my life ever since . . . because I married a girl from Kimberley!

    The bunker is now being turned into a guest house. Thousands of tons of soil have been removed and much of the old subterrannean building is now visible. And here's a newsflash! . . . . . The project is on Channel Four on Wednesday February 5, at 8.00pm, in the 'Restoration Man' series presented by George Clarke. Not only that, but I'm in it too! I seem to be the only bloke they could find who used to work down there, and I spent an afternoon with the TV crew a few months ago, reliving my time down there. Just thought I'd tell you, as I noticed that quite a few Nottstalgia members had spoken about bunkers and the old days. All the best to everyone.

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