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Everything posted by glaisdalelad

  1. Good to see all the interesting recent postings. Thanks katyjay for the photo of Sandra, she looks a fair bit different to what I remember but is still recognisable and was still lovely. Of course the photo was taken six or seven years on from when I knew her and we all changed so much in what seems now to be such a short period. I can vaguely recall that Sandra wrote to me just after we had moved to say that she had won a “Miss Popeye” competition, does that bring back any memories. One thing I particularly miss living her in Spain is bonfire night. Although they have lots of firework events
  2. Well it’s back to my threatened series of memories of the time I lived in Bilborough. I have so far covered Medicines, Woods & Fields, Canal, Toys, Games we used to Play, the Railway Bridge and The Radio. Now for the Television TELEVISION WHILE LIVING IN BILBOROUGH As we grew older, about 9 - 11 years we would go home and watch the magic of television which we had from about 1953 as I remember everyone gathering around for the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. The first time that we had seen television was at cousin’s house in 1952. The turning point for television came in 1953 with the
  3. Hi Katyjay It sure is, and to think that we were only 14 and 12 at the time. Yesterday I reached the grand old age of 70.
  4. Welcome Bilbrolas After a long hot summer here in Spain with lots of visitors I now have a bit of time to get back on this forum. Interested to read recent postings on Sandra Eggleton who, if there is not another by that name, born in 1946 and lived in Bilborough, was my very first girlfriend in 1958 -1959. It was with sadness that we parted when I moved with my family to Portsmouth in the summer of 1959. If I remember correctly she lived on Monckton Drive near to the junction with Graylands Road.
  5. Hi Bit of a lull in my jottings due to unforeseen circumstance, 16 burglaries in our small urbanisation in Spain. Fortunately we were not one of them but our next door neighbour was. Thanks for all your comments and memories to date. So far I have covered, Medicines, Woods and Fields, The Canal, Railway Bridge, Toys and the Games we played, the next one is about the Radio or the Wireless as we called it then. Hope it brings back some memories, RADIO My most vivid memory of radio is when we used go to my Grandad and Grandma’s on Saturday for lunch. After we had had our beans on toast or t
  6. Hi Think I am getting a bit hooked on this. MelissaJKelly, things sure have changed and although to me my childhood was great I also see what my Grandkids have so I am sure that in the future all generations will say ‘The Good Old Days’. Bilbraborn, love the bit about your Dad saying about the squirrel collecting all the nuts up. If you used to like the Meccano Magazine there is a great site where every issue can be looked at or downloaded in PDF format the address is, Mess, sounds as though that Chemistry set did pay off. I wonder if some of the things
  7. Great set of postings. Bilbraborn, very interesting memories on the trainspotting, it certainly prompted a few of my own. Firbeck, I seem to remember always taking my ABC book with me, I must have been lucky that it was never lost at the time. LizzieM, thanks for your comments. Well here goes with my next topic which is fairly long I’m afraid. TOYS Such a variety here and I include those homemade ones that gave us as much pleasure to make as to use. Toys over the years included, Cap Guns, Whip and Top, Meccano set, Cats whisker radio, Chemistry set, John Bull printing set, Potato faces, Di
  8. Wollaton Pit sidings from the railway bridge I thinks
  9. Couple of photo's from when I cannot remember. But they are of areas that I recall so I presume they must be from the 1950's. The first one is of the railway bridge on the Old Coach Road
  10. Hi Bilbraborn and Mess, thanks for the comments again. Very interesting about the photo of the new bridge being on the Woodyard Lane. I found this photo on the internet quite a few years ago and it was annotated as being on the Old Coach Road. At the time I remember that I was a bit confused about the house on the right of the photo which I could not remember although as a kid I recall a hedge in that area which I might not have been able to see over. I checked the photo against the previous one of the stone bridge and as the telegraph poles, the trees and the basin all seemed to be the s
  11. Photos of the canal area by the old coach road.
  12. Hi Thanks for your comments on my last posting. Trevor S. I remember also a cold Christmas round about the time you mentioned and also going out with my new Lone Star gun and holster to play, I wonder if we actually shot at each other. Shame about the family argument and missing Christmas dinner. The nearest shops I remember were on the corner of Ambergate and Staverton which were a Newsagent that sold sweets and a Beeroff. The Fish and Chip shop that I remember was I think near the Co-op on Bracebridge Drive. Sorry Dave 48 I do not remember those lads you mentioned. Thanks Mess for rem
  13. I have been trying to upload an image though photobucket as a first time user so I hope this one of the glaisdale environs works
  14. Hi Thanks for your postings and your positive attitude to my ramblings. Thanks Katyjay for putting me right on Beecham powders, they were for cold symptoms and not for upset stomachs as I said, the Beecham Pills acted in much the same way as Carters Little Liver Pills. Bilbraborn I do remember Cod Liver Oil which was dreadful on its own but mainly we had it mixed with the malt which made it a bit more palatable. Thanks Cliff Ton for the interesting map which as you say must have been from the early fifties or even the late forties. I think it is great to record and share childhood memories
  15. Hi Pleased to see your postings. The link to the aerial photo of Bilborough was very interesting and I will at a later date try and upload part of a 1954 map of the area showing the woods, canal and railway line which are the areas that I spent most of my time. I remember well the sand tunnels but not the death track. It is a great shame that there seems to be a lack of photographs of those environs that we used to play in. I must admit that the list of occupants on Glaisdale Drive was not all my work as it was done with the help of some old childhood friends that I manage to contact, these
  16. Hi Everyone. Have many happy memories of Bilborough. We lived on Glaisdale Drive until 1959 and I spent many hours playing in the woods and the fields. I remember amongst other things the make do football pitch with the stree stump at one end. This was in the fields before getting to the woods when walking up from Wigman Road. Does any one have any photos of the fields and the woods before the Birds eye factory was built. I knew the Allisions and below is a list of occupants as far as I have been able to put together. Look forward to hearing from anyone. RESIDENTS ON GLAISDALE DRIVE WHEN W