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Posts posted by Loxley

  1. I learned yesterday after speaking with my aunt (90 years old), that her uncle, my great uncle Jack Robinson, died in the bombing of the Co-op bakery in 1941.

    My grandmother brought me up as a child and never spoke of the loss of her brother, the only indication of her grief and the only time I ever saw her cry, was during the playing of the last post when watching the remembrance service on the television. She once commented when asked why she was so upset,"the tears are for those who lost their lives in the war." I wish she had opened up and told her story, unfortunately she's no longer with us and I cannot comfort her.

    I know very little about the event, but would be grateful to hear from anyone who knows more, photographs would be welcome, it might be my aunt would recognise Jack and indeed some of the employees.

    kind regards,


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