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Posts posted by DaveT

  1. I have been following this topic with interest.

    I have owned nos 18 & 20 Lincoln St for a few years and would like to know the history of them. I know they were converted to a shop in the 60s and then back to housing a few years ago, not very well done I might add! What was the shop used for? Is it the old betting shop referred to earlier? These are the two properties opposite Cowley St that are attached to the rear of the Old Post Office on the corner of Lincoln st/Mill Close.

    Also, following slight subsidence in the rear yard, we have discovered the top of an arched culvert for the river Leen, that the old mill building was built on. I do intend to investigate further when time allows, but would also like to know the history of the river and its relationship to the mill. I have found out that it was a pram manufacturers factory in the 30s but that is about all. I also have some pictures of the river coming out from the City side of the mill, but nothing upstream. Does anyone have any?

    The present course of the river runs alongside the railway now, but at one time it went just behind the houses and under the mill, where the old culvert is that we have found, as shown in the 1882 map in #120. At the entrance of the park nearest the house, the ground is raised and a stone wall is built at the rear, in line with the rear of the house. Was this to protect the house from erosion during a flood? Were the houses associated with the mill?

    So many questions!

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