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Posts posted by Lindaok

  1. Cromford canal certainly sounds like Arkwright society - I had zero confidence, thought younger kids were an alien species & hated every minute of it. Must have used it on my CV after all that suffering!

    i loved the French lit especially Voltaire, Corneille & Anouilh but hated Pagnol. 

    The parties were in Mapperley - strange I don't remember other teachers being there. 

    We had a brilliant English trainee teacher who was really into Tennyson - he organised trips into Lincolnshire & read poems to us in the cathedral - a really inspiring teacher just sorry I didn't tell him. 

  2. Is anyone still in Nottm?

    I came to London in '75 & never managed to leave - so much for my dreams of a small holding in Notts/Derbs & " il faut cultiver le  jardin" ( Candide - French A level)

    Remember John Charnock ( history A level teacher) - used to hold parties for students in his flat in Mapperley &, I think it was him, managed to persuade a group of us that being volunteer guides for the Arkwright society would look good on our CVs. Gullible!

  3. Sorry to hear about your parents - mine are still in the same house & the older they get the more often I trek up the M1. The old school is unrecognisable now -,a pity there wasn't a reunion before they knocked it down. Barbara & I did go to the 1997 reunion but I don't remember that many of our year group being there.

    Even after 41 years, Nottingham feels like home. 

  4.  It certainly was 1971 - Ruth & I were both in Zetting. I rember Yvonne W and Barbara M ( a lifelong friend - we are still in touch) & Debbie? were also on the trip. It was Easter & we chipped in to buy Another Day ( Paul McCartney) for Barbara. Another friend was Jane W - also did french & German. I did French history & English. As I remember you lived at the far end of the playing field near the primary school - I lived at the far end of Bilborough road near the traffic lights. 

    Since leaving for London in1975, I have lost contact with all except Barbara but I still return "home" regularly. 

  5. Just spent an evening reading these memories & reminiscing. I was in 1 R at BGS 1968-75 & yes, I recognise Ann, "Wode" & ChrisR. Lots of talk of the MFL teachers but no reference to Kenders & his French exchange trips. I remember seeing a very young Elton John at Heathrow on the first of these trips to Sarreguemines. 

    Lunchtimes in the Broad Oak & Friday nights in the Rodney. 

    Its good to remember. 

  6. Just spent an evening reading these memories & reminiscing. I was in 1 R at BGS 1968-75 & yes, I recognise Ann, "Wode" & ChrisR. Lots of talk of the MFL teachers but no reference to Kenders & his French exchange trips. I remember seeing a very young Elton John at Heathrow on the first of these trips to Sarreguemines. 

    Lunchtimes in the Broad Oak & Friday nights in the Rodney. 

    Its good to remember. 

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