Andy Ryan

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Posts posted by Andy Ryan

  1. I'm not entirely sure to be honest. I have very little memories of childhood from the age of 5 years. I was born in Feb 1970 so may have been around 75 onwards??

    For some strange reason I have started to remember bits of my childhood like this. I have no idea what has triggered it off as before a few days ago I had no knowledge of this place. I didn't even know what it was called until I googled " childrens homes in skegness"  just as an afterthought my name then was Andrew Evan's but I've since changed my name via deedpoll

  2. I have very little memories of childhood from about the age of 5 to about 15. However in the past few days I have started to remember little bits( I have a mental health condition which doesn't help) I seem to remember going to a childrens home in skegness not sure how old I was but if I'm remembering right the building was yellow? It had separate dorms for boys & girls. It was a very strict place not sure how long I was there for though. Does this sound familiar to anyone?? Could it be Roseberry house??

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Cliff Ton said:

    I've now deleted the problem post.


    As I don't use Postimage, I'm afraid I can't help in identifying what might've gone wrong. If there are options in what you can click on, try clicking on one of the others.

    Thanks Cliff Ton. I have added it further up as a link I dont know if you can see it if you click on it??

  4. Ours was the the house on the end before the alleyway. You can see the gap in the houses. Ours was the one before the gap my aunts was the one after the gap 


    No actually you are correct it is around where the arrow is. 


    I have got a pic of my mother in the back yard of the house but tried to upload it but to no avail 

  5. Hiya I'm wondering if anybody has any history or old pics of Whitbread street as I was born there in 1970. I lived in a house that was situated opposite the brewery. I'm creating a time line of my childhood & any info would be very much appreciated. When the houses were demolished we moved to snapewood.