Amazing DH Venom display over my house just now

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This is one for Beefsteak

I was just replying to Bip, heard a noise and a Venom came tearing over my house on a high speed knife edge at about 200 feet. He then performed a series of high speed low level manouevers over the back, shot off over the park where he must have parted the football players hair, and started roaring around the town centre.

Do any of your aviation pals know what that was about, it was very impressive and most unexpected, it was the same Venom that I saw at Marshalls Airshow back in September.


Wow, what more can I say, I gather he's based in Kemble, what was he doing flying around Braintree.

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When I posted the message, I have to say it was very unexpected and quite amazing, what cracked me up was his low level tail slide over the football match, unbelievable, they must have been warmed by the heat from the engine he was so low.

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Sorry to be a nuisance Beefsteak, I was just on the phone to my brother in Beeston who was with me at Marshalls and he was curious to know if you'd found out owt about the Venom.

What made me smile before he rang, I just nipped into town for something for tea, it's been a really nice day here, and as I was getting in the car a bright yellow Harvard flew over very low then banked sharply to the north, I suspect it's the one you can go for a flight from DX in, maybe the lucky man paying for it wanted a bit of a jolly and they ended up over here, it's great to see vintage aircraft still flying around on cold winter days, however, it must be a bit chilly in the cockpit at this time of year though.


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Sorry Pete

This is a selection of replies I recieved, 1st is from a display pilot, second from a serving RAF Fireman and third from the Senior ATC at Stanstead!!

You're not going to like it:-


Mmmmm - town centre.... tail slide.....

These two statements just don't sit right with me. Firstly, a display over a built up area is unlikely unless notam'd and even then there would have to be a crowd/display line.

Secondly, if a Venom did a tail slide then the Gnome engine would just give out.

Finally, it would have to be pretty low to feel exhaust gasses - perhaps illegally low? Having stood under the approach of 23 at Lossie with the Tonkas passing by 20ft above my head I would not like them to be 'tail sliding' when I felt the exhaust gasses icon_eek.gif

I shall nevertheless ask my contacts, far more up to speed in these matters than I, if they heard anything icon_biggrin.gif


Sorry Ian I've made some enquiries but come up with nothing on a Venom on Sunday anywhere. As Al says, if it had been a display there would/should have been a Notam issued.

As for feeling heat from the aircrafts exhaust, yeh right, I think we'll put that down to poetic license icon_wink.gif

This thread has reminded me of a comment I once heard during a MiG 29 display many years ago, just as the MiG performed its trade mark tail slide:

Joe Public to Tonka Pointer: Can you do that in a Tornado then???

Tonka Pointer: Oh yes, the Tornado is fully capable of a tail slide............................................but you'd only do it the once.


Yes - I think we'll chalk this one up to 'I saw a plane in the distance, it looked low' eusa_doh.gif

Rules of the air state 1,500ft over a built up area or at least a height that you can glide free. Exception would be a notam.

I'm not sure the Venom would do a knife edge due to airframe limitations and the fact the rudders are so small they probably would be ineffective anyway. As for parting the footballers hair and tearing around the town centre - poetic licence stretched far beyond any reasonable means. I can only think he was fast asleep when he 'saw' the tailslide eusa_doh.gif

I always stand to be corrected though, but in this case I'm not holding my breath icon_wink.gif


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No way, clearly none of them had a clue what was going on or saw it, I did, an official cover up over a bit of fun no doubt, and the pilot got away with it. I've been watching aircraft for 50 years, I'm not easily fooled, the last comment made me puke, sad man, who the hell does he think he is, he wasn't here, self opinionated pillock.

But then you suggested I wouldn't be impressed, I'm not.

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Well there you go then!!

These were from one forum, two others that i posted on for info came back blank.

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