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Everything posted by Charlie

  1. Now that would be the Australian sweet white wine - at 10p a shot, as I recall! !jumping! But - it tasted awful - till the third one and then it kind of grew on you! We only drank it when we were almost totally broke. I'm glad the Bell is still there! Brill pub. What about the Dog and Bear and the Fountain - both on Bridlesmith gate? Even in the 70s they had a bouncer at the Fountain - a fine pub if you liked fighting! Then along a littyle and left up to the Cross keys - is that still there too?
  2. I think he was the guy who opened the restaurant on Alfreton road - could it be?
  3. I think Purple elephants are what everyone could see by the time they got there - So it may have been called that! I remember they did serve a lot of chicken legs, so I stuck to prawns - which looked like very large silverfish! I picked a fight with a guy in there one night - a very big one. I told him to take the first hit! They tell me I cleared three tables before hitting the wall. Great curry house though!
  4. I think '72 after I started at the Penny - but maybe a little sooner. I seem to remember it was a slow death for Djs there - so you were probably lucky! Did you know keith and/or pat? Or maybe Alec who also worked the Hippo - but he was strictly Soul - great guy, nearly killed me in a crash coming back from some club he's been working in Long Eaton.............or maybe Al from the Ad Lib?
  5. No - the best story was the copper cauldrons that used to hang in the main walkway -from a beam as I recall. They started with a very small one and worked there way up to a really big one. After about half had disappeared they had the police in (disguised as punters but looking like police) to stop any more going. of course, they kept going. What I can't quite remember is if the were all finally knicked - does anyone else know? it was just the best pub in town - well, except maybe for the Yates's wine lodge - does anyone remember the very old lady (possibly dead even then) on the piano an
  6. God yes - the Intercom!! And I'd completely forgotten the clock tower! Now that brings back even more memories! Thank you very much! Charlie
  7. back in the 70s Errol Brown was often seen around town. Calvin Palmer moved back there in the early 80s and lived at his ex-wifes house on Georg Road for a while - he wore my 'The Wall' LP out! Also I did a gig with Kit Jensen at the Brit and entertained the Chairmen of the Board up at Scamps! PS - if anyone knows Calvin's ex - Norma Palmer (Norton) or (Leivers) or her Son Robin or any of her daughters Joy, Julie and - and - oh bu99er! - tell them i think about them often but don't have an address after Lutteril road. Cheers, Charlie
  8. Yes, the white hart was a Berni - £4.95 fro a 4oz sterak and chips and mushrooms and peas and a puding too - i think they may even have thrown in a coffee. In those days there were only three bottles of wine! Lutomer, Blue nun and mateus! Wonderful days really! Cheers, charlie
  9. Ok - here's a question. For a while there was a night-club that was part of the Victoria Centre - big flash place that never really caught on, but I do remember Chairman of the Board playing there ands then coming up to Scamps afterwards - at about 1:30 ands we never got out of the place till about 3! Then it was all down to the curry house that i can't remember for a massive vindaloo! Cheers, Charlie
  10. Ok - this I can't believe! They knocked the Flying Horse down? As in demolished? It was a fantastic pub! Truly awesome. The gay part - well it is true, but mostly they hung out in the first room on the left as you walked in or if you turned right towards the two smaller bars, they would sometimes overflow into the one on the left. I know htis becasue I pulled an absoultely gorgeous girl in there one night only for Micky Norton (yes the one who managed Annabelles) to suggest I just feel out the territory first - and yes it was a man! Oops. !laughing! Mind you there were a lot of p
  11. Hmm, so when were you at Scamps - I was there from the start till about 75, with a short break while a guy called the 'night owl' did the business. There was also a club called the eight till late - first left off Friars gate and also down a twitchell off wheeler gate. Going up Upper Parliament Street there was also the Pigale - on the left. well dodgy! Cheers, Charles
  12. Well, there are three curry houses that I remember. One was the Golden Curry just down below the railway station on Arkwright Street. This closed down when the meadows was demolished. I can still remember the rats running across the table while I tucked into my medium prawn and mushroom. That's how it came then - mild, medium or hot. There was also one up on Alfreton (?) road and I think it was owned by the same guys that owned starline taxis - one of the owners was Koli (?) Then there was another one down blow Pharoahs on Broadway (?). It was the one everyone used after the clubs had s
  13. Sorry folks, I almost forgot - after Scamps I did a stint in the Bench and Bar just at the end of Bridlesmith Gate and on the way down into Broadmarsh................It was run by two people and I can't remember either of their names (Andy and Sue? He was slim, dark hair and bearded she was dark-haierd and very, very shapely), but I know they were involved dwon at the Brit before that. This would be about'75 or early 76........................... Anyone remember them? And if anyone remembers any of the crew from Cecil Gees which was at the Victoria centre when it opened.................w
  14. Hello everyone, I'm new so if what i write sucks - let me off this one time! Back in the 70s I worked at Pharoahs (which later became the final solution) but can't remember the owner! Do any of you? I also worked at the Hippo once or twice, people I remember were Keith and Pat - two fine DJs, Tony the manager, Gordon Long the owner and Andrea Maher and Wendy on the bar - There was also Brian on the door and a dark haired girl on cloaks. Out on the floor were linda Sanderson and her sister Janice, Kathy Prince and Christine Pringle I had quite a spell at the penny farthing after Dr. Moonl