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Posts posted by lynnie

  1. We all chanted rhymes with our friends as kids, I wonder if they're still around? Here's one I remember.

    Hark, hark the dogs do bark

    The beggars are coming to town

    Some in rags and some in bags

    And some in a velvet gown

    Can you move mine to here or should i type it again.

  2. Lynnie, that is such a coincidence you putting that rhyme on here [which we also used to say as kids] because I was just coming on line to start a new thread about old rhymes.

    Im sure some more will come to me that i can add down,Funny cause i havent thought of that rhyme for just came to me !

  3. Anyone got any ideas?

    Tried Ebay, but I still aint rich?

    Depends what yer selling on ebay mate!,i went round mi family and collected all their scrap gold like broken necklaces,odd earrings and broken rings,went and bought some scales from argos(then took um back) weighed it in there was about 50 grams and i caned 180 quid,not bad to say it was all shite and none of it was wearable. GET RAIDING THEM JEWELLERY BOXES! LOL.

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  4. Hi all you lot from aspley

    I remember Amesbury circus we used to play on the park there, and the park keeper used to chase us if we got up to no good. Can anyone remember playing in Broxtowe woods? Katyjay you used live across the road from my bridesmaid Jenny you also lived next door to my husbands mate Tony Cussons. We also got married at Cinderhill church in september 1968.can also remember the vicar that should have married us but was killed a few weeks before. I know you from school but you left at Christmas I left the next summer. My husband lived in Harpenden Square. Since joining Nottsalgia you realise what a small world this is, I have also found someone else I used to know. namely Craig.


    Hi Val,used to spend all my time playing over in Broxtowe woods(tip) when i lived in strelley,great times!

  5. Ay up lynnie, I lived on Bells Lane Estate, within spitting distance of Broxtowe. Went to William Crane in Aspley, but many moons ago, in fact so long ago, it was still segregated in the juniors and seniors.

    I used to knock abouht down bells lane wi mi mates when i was a kid,nowt to do just ung arround the streets down there! Cranes gone now,theyve just built a new primary school there,quite smart an'all mi son goes there.I went to Player comp for a few years then william sharp.

  6. Mi mam and dad used to say"awnorragen yo lowsie wi chazgiz",meaning ive got a head full of nits,or "i'l put kekkle on yo can mash"(make tea).Medicine was called jollop,a sandwich to a toddler was called but-but,boboos for horses and dick-dicks for birds,and if you was a bit daft yo were called batchie.

  7. Just found yer forum and i think its great! Was looking through the lingo bit and theres loads on there i say mi sen,might add a few more though!.I was born in broxtowe (or should i say Broxta lol) spent about 9 years there then moved to Strelley,i was there till i was about 17,then lived in Aspley for a couple of years,Met mi bloke got pregnant and lived in this crappy homeless place on wells road,A year in the Medders then back to Aspley were weve lived for the last 11 years,Im gonna shurrup now for a bit before i bore you all to death! lol.