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Posts posted by Ashley

  1. Happy days! ever go to Joslyns (spelling) when it wer a bike shop on right of radford rd just past palin st on way to town? he was ok, but my fave shop was AC Sports (Arthur and Cath) on Haydn Rd (later Mortens car spares), was like a youth club! that said spent alot there, Unica plastic saddle/castrator, campag 10 speeds,centre pull brakes, even tubeless tyres! still not as fast as my mate on his RaleighTrent sit up and beg though!

  2. Don't recall lots of planes from Hucknall, more likely the same test plane going over and over? we were on the "final circuit" for Hucknall and as well as getting .... a continuous morse homing signal on our radio we'd get planes directly overhead, ones I recall were a 5 engined lancaster, a turbo prop elizabethan, the canberra that crashed at Bulwell common, (saw that flying over Claremont school smoke pouring from it on it's last flight} a P1 Lightening (saw that after it had overshot the runway covered in green taupaulin on edge of woods) and the Vulcan, (was at Syerston when it crashed 1958) AM I JINXED! though can't be blamed for the flying bedstead when that crashed killing it's test pilot on a tethered test at Hucknall. Could actually see the planes on the runway from our garden, as well as trainspot on the former GCR between Perry & Haydn Rd's via binoculars to get the numbers from there, lol Yes they had air displays at Hucknall, recall one year a lot later when a flight of USAF jets beat the place up during one killing quite a few animal s at"Hucknall Zoo" as they came in over it at zero feet

  3. yes time to go, that said lots of other places should go as well, cannot agree with these total rights offs being kept in state they are in, likewise former cinema's etc that have become bingo halls, factories and god knows what else over the years, if as per original a different matter? interesting there was no preservation order on the odean cinema? guess in the wrong place?

  4. Lived on virtually next street to Liddington Street till 18, mind you was about biggest house in New Basford, def biggest garden, somewhere on here remember someone asking me "were you that posh kid"? lol I wasn't but think grandparents esp esp on mothers side, grandfather was former black watch career army officer (even though Irish), Badly wounded in ww1 invalided out and became manager of Murphys chemicals in Old Basford 1920 till his death in 1939,

    Those who thought a posh house didn't go in, lol only 2 rooms habitable, never had own bedroom, bathroom froze in 1947 still same condition 1964 never had a bath there, was stil on DC till I think 1959, even was on fire one bonfire night! luckily or otherwise bought out as petrol station built on site, so new start, married 1970 then Basford flats swopped for run down one fire place council house eventually bought that (full market price pre thatcher bribe era ) £6,050 sold 25 years later and bought the van my choice, only downside now is since flood defences covering Nottingham river a lot higher and can't get insurance, but got dinghy and inflated car inner tubes in garden so should be ok!

    • Upvote 3
  5. Take your point re rivalries etc but think locally "the powers that be" sort a quick money saving scheme? it obviously being cheaper to maintain a flat railway than the former GCR or GNR? in other parts of the country The GCR remained and can be seen running along side the M1 Daventry area I believe?

    No idea if the following would have been feasible or cost effective long term but imagine if Victoria had been saved as opposed th The Midland? there was a north/south route in place plus one to the east of course and no doubt the Derby line could have been swung round given the demolition that took place in The Meadows? I am of course day dreaming but had the thought come about early enough there was the possibility of reconnecting The NSR as a circular route via the GNR west of Daybrook and rejoining The GCR heading south back to Victoria. (Now going to lock front door and keep an eye out for men in white coats coming! lol

    • Upvote 1
  6. Thanks Phil,

    Those lads fair bit younger than me, mostly nick names but you may know some? Steve Naylor, Pero Pearson, Muz, Mick Sirs & Scaz plus others, who's name I forget, all local, yes knew Gayhurst, had a "friend" lived on there called Tracey, nice girl! That "road" you mentioned would be that ramp I drove up after going under Arnold Rd, remember also walking from wrecked New Basford station up to Valley Rd earlier but access to bridge looked like anzio beach , coils of barbed wire everywhere!

    ps. I recall 2 bridges over Arnold Rd

  7. There are/were a lot of level crossings on the GC in Lincolnshire and adjacent parts of Notts. The one next to Worksop station is an obvious one, with New Holland as one that has now gone. Even more if you count the LD&EC line.

    Can't recall the crossing at New Holland as under 10 when I went there and only recall being on the ferry dock, that said a memory of having pop outside a pub (on the dock?) now remembered, was a "day out treat" to go across from Hull when I stayed there with relatives, Remember my uncle one night probably having one too many many missing last ferry back and having to sleep in a railway carriage there !

  8. 2.26am Saturday! were this topic a book it would have been a case of "couldn't put it down" had forgot a lot of what was in it and even though I started it fascinating to read it all again! A different world nowadays? some will say better? but despite the hardships bread and jam for a meal (cept Sundays) and going to bed in artic conditions etc not aided by a passage window upstairs broken via a stone in WW2 by an ARP man who saw a light there (and still covered by cardboard in 1960 when we moved out) I think they really were the "good old days" lol

  9. check post number 12 this is where I think the level crossing was for 28 years before Church Street Bridge was built in old Basford, Station Rd Bulwell also used to have a crossing it being the "main road" into Bulwell before the bridge, Imagine there was some crossing where Abbey Bridge is now as Victorian houses both sides? Know Ilkeston Rd had bridge altered at some time as the Crown pub demolished and new one with same name built at corner of Radford Bridge Rd, think new road Wilkinson St built in 1930's and when it opened with bridge over the railway level crossing at Gauntly St at side of it closed and that street reduced to footpath south of the railway via still there? (well it was in 1970's!) footbridge leading to cut off Whitemoor Ave, (crossing base and gates, the latter then part of fence could still be seen then also)

  10. Think you are right Stephan, but I seem to recall a footpath across the GCR on Hucknall Rd in a dip between Paton Road and Kersal Drive? think on Nottstalgia there was a discussion whether that was where Park Lane used to join Hucknall Rd? maybe old timers still took (dangerous) short cuts across there, also seem to recall a warning sign or something at that point? on modern google map there is a line which I take to be a footpath joining those 2 roads? as in all my posts the ? means not sure of facts! (memory is failing lol, well it was over 50 years ago! can't believe that to be honest!)

  11. I imagine on the MR routes wherever there is a bridge over now there was a crossing originally? even Wilkinson Street? but not sure re Abbey Bridge? and of course some crossings still exist, can't think of any on GN or GC routes cept farmers access etc and maybe in Netherfield area that was "foreign" to me (maybe one on GN at Lambley Lane Gedling?) and pit lines seen at Hucknall Rd Melbourne Rd and Bells Lane, another somewhere near Harwill Crescent plus heard of ones on Aspley Lane and near Clifton Pit

  12. As I mentioned somewhere on here (Nottstalgia) am getting together as many photos of Nottingham Stations and features in the steam days era around such as I can purely for my own enjoyment and interest, pass the time etc, And as I lived in Basford till 18 have started with there, and funnily enough the oldest line and the one still surviving is the one with least photos! unless of course you want pictures of the Robin Hood Line era c/w with "bus stops" I recall when that was first talked of with BR upper management guy I then knew saying "it'll never happen" then seeing test trains running on the rusty rails back and forth to Newstead and finally going that first open day on it, not that long ago, but now in the tram era seems fogotten?

    I guess with it being for years just a coal line with no stations there was little interest, and also before that wasn't a Main Line of course but bet still an interesting route in LMS days with it's 5 stations up to Hucknall plus various juctions, pit branch lines etc, level crossings and later bridges and have found some interesting photos I'd not seen before,

    Likewise The GNR route thought by us trainspotters of the 1950's as a backwater line (even backward line) seeing photos of it there were some some right junctions sidings and features inc a viaduct on it, 5 stations and at one time 216 trains a day, which even if running at same rate throughout the night 24 hrs a day meant a train every 6 minutes on average so god knows how many at peak times, in fact during world war 2 it became the only line far as I know to have an extra track added locally, the slow goods loop making 3 running lines on a section between Basford & Bulwell Station and Daybrook requiring the extention of 2 road over bridges

  13. Have decided for my own use, interest etc to put together all the railway photo's I can find that are of interest to me, namely local stations and track features around such, an example being say New Basford, the station itself, the tunnel one end and the bridge carriage works etc the other, anyway whilst looking around I came across a site with chat and found one guy asking where the rat hole etc was, and if it was true (as he had been told) that it was still intact (post was in 2012) seemed to have the idea that if he knew where it was he could dig a hole down to it!

    And you know what? I don't know if it is still there! or the actual route if under the new housing or if still there the BT depot or whatever,

    Around 1980 maybe earlier maybe later used to go up "the banks", the name some local bikers we met called the area behind that BT depot where sidings and a line to a turntable had formally been after the pubs shut and kipped out some weekends around a bonfire, the land there had already been made safe, bridges over Arnold Rd removed, embankments gently sloped and the dive down to the tunnel filled, ditto the exit plus either side of the bridge under Arnold Rd.

    Some time later they started to level the land properly and remove the GCR embankments and Valley Rd Bridge, know at that time the contractors dug down and reopened the bridge under Arnold Rd so tipper lorries could use that to get up to onto the GCR rail bed, know that as I did it myself! but can't for life of me remember 1) if the rathole had been opened up and was part of the route or 2) it had been dug "up" or "out" or 3) left buried and is still thus?