sue robinson

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Posts posted by sue robinson

  1. Sue, opposite your shop would have been Days the Grocers on the corner of Kirkby St.

    There is a very good book called The Nottingham Meadows, with lots of pictures in. Think it's available at most book shops.

    yes thats the name thank you. will look on amazon for the book as I now live in cornwall and I dont think it will be down here.

  2. Sue i remember your shop. My parents bought a setee from you. Was this Cafe on the corner of Agnes St?

    cant remember but across from us was a greengrocer on the corner and the cafe was next door to that. The shop next to us was a butchers shop on the corner of st saviors st. I reckon we furnished most of the houses in the meadows. We didnt live there but I loved being there sitting outside with a cup of tea and a fag ing to everyone. They were good days spent with good people who looked after each other.

  3. we had the open fronted second hand shop by st saviors church 181 arkwright st. We had people who bought stuff at the beginning of the week then sold it back to us on a saturday. The only other shops ,I remember were the cafe opposte run by Harry ? and cumberland coaches I remember Louella as a pretty blonde girl. Ah happy days when we were young.