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Posts posted by ilkolad

  1. Another ruse if ever you would be short of bread, and to save running back to the bakery, was to simply miss the customer out altogether.. naturally you knew the next time you had occasion to visit there would be a roasting.. but hey, we were young, thick skinned, case hardened delivery personnel, stuff like this merely rolled off our back.

  2. Plus, if ever you got hungry there was always plenty to eat on the van.. didn't matter whether it was ordered or not, the same criteria applied whereby you would simply lie and say "sorry, I couldn't get you one!" especially in the case of the Co-op pork pie... little did they know it had been ravenously devoured hours before reaching it's final destination.

  3. When I started the Co-op in 1965 a large sliced {Wheatsheaf) loaf was 11½d..

    also bread in those days didn't last so long, it was very seldom you could palm a customer off with the previous days bake, especially unwrapped, tinned, bloomers etc. the next day they would be as hard as a brick...

    the only way to get shut of old bread was to leave it at those customers that were out when you called.. you knew they'd moan come pay day, but it didn't matter as the object of the exercise had been a success, plus you could always say "It wasn't me that left it, I was off that day" - nine times out of ten this ploy would do the trick... it was only very occasionally that it didn't..

  4. To think, I once lived only 100 yards away from where these would have been playing, and totally missed the venue.. although I do recall a big event of some description going on at the time, I just wonder why I was never informed..

    but then again, thinking about it, there wasn't the Small Faces, the Kinks or the Who in the line up, so maybe they just didn't bother to tell me...


  5. Apparently, during the time of the old sailing ships, a spittoon would be placed at the foot of each table at mealtime whereby the sailors could loosen their lungs..

    custom was, that those with a better aim, usually the eldest, sat the farthest away, and the young lads would sit the nearest..

    although it may seem the young lads got a raw deal, it was in fact a prized place to sit, as the missed shots from the elders often ended up with the lads receiving extra protein in their porridge.

  6. Jesus would ya look at those bands, I'm having a flashback.  If I didn't see them live I certainly watched them perform on "The Ed Sullivan Show".  Ed Sullivan was where is first saw the Stones (with Brian Jones) my girlfriend and I genuflected and blessed ourselves when the band came on ooooo my dad was so pissed, hated the whole notion of this rocknroll meantime he was sporting a pair of blue suede shoes. lol


    Main Entry: gen u flect


    Function:intransitive verb

    Etymology:Late Latin genuflectere, from Latin genu knee + flectere to bend — more at KNEE

    1 a : to bend the knee b : to touch the knee to the floor or ground especially in worship

    2 : to be servilely obedient or respectful

    –gen u flec tion \*jen-y*-*flek-sh*n\ noun

    Just checking!

  7. elite

    Talking of the Elite, I think the last film I went to see there was 'Bridge on the River Kwai' starring Alec Guinness.. they don't make films like that anymore.. nowadays they merely stuff a couple of named actors into some kind of plot add a film score and rake in the money..

    Plus, films nowadays seem to lack content and hold the imagination..

    give me the good old Britmovies of late, these were far superior, and in my opinion this era was by far the best years in film making..

  8. Look here ayup! .. this is a very serious subject, and your trivialising it in this manner does nothing to help promote the integrity of this forum, although, I must admit there is a slight resebleance to those of which you mention, you must be more prudent in the way you present your final analysis.

  9. That's a bit harsh Rob, it's a shame you've deemed fit to pull the plug, although I freely admit things do take a nosedive from time to time, it's just a mere reflection of life, and that is precisely why you should stay, because any other forum that simply sticks to one topic and one topic only would be boring in the extreme, and besides as mentioned before, it's surprising how quickly topics pertaining to a Nottingham theme can quickly come depleted..

    have a rethink Rob, but whatever your choice, for heaven's sake NEVER sign up to Sawleystalgia, Ilkestonstalgia, or Trowelstalgia, because although there would be many topics of conversation, the boredom would drive you absolutely insane!

  10. Is Ilkolad a moderator? If so he could have changed the wording in FC's post.

    You're right, that's not the Flat Cap we all know and lo...well, he's not the Flat Cap we all know! ;)

    IMO the last comment from FC whereby he changes tak and issues praise was merely an attempt at reverse phsychology to cast aspersion onto others and should have been ignored.. but alas it seems those very few words are now beginning to have the desired effect.

    BIP!! .. come on mate, you're on next!
