mr rob t

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Posts posted by mr rob t

  1. my dubious claim to fame is fighting Joe Elliot ( lead singer of rock band Def Leppard ) at the boat club once, just as they hit the big time. Glad to say that i won but of course i wouldn`t want him to remember it now. Probably pay some hitman to get me back.

    P.S. hope he does`nt join this forum...

  2. i`ve been a bit slow on the uptake here but... it strikes me that you appear to be a reasonably intelligent man fatbloke, so why are you peddling your product on a site that as fewer than 250 members of which about 20 are regular posters when you could spend your time ,energy and resources on an advert in the evening post where you would get a more positive and numurous response. is anybody starting to think the same way as me?

  3. we all know the effects of passive smoking, but what about the effects of passive drinking?.. how many people have been injured/killed by a car driver cuz he`s had too much to smoke. go into any hospital a and e department at the weekend and the majority of people are there cuz they`ve had too much to drink. same with the courts on a monday morning after the weekend, it`s always " im sorry your honour, but i had too much to drink and did`nt know what i was doing". none of the above has anything to do with smoking. what im trying to say is that the two are no worse than each other, but smokers are the easier target. by the way i`ve just come out of hospital after an op` on my arm and i feel worse than when i went in. no2