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Posts posted by colly0410

  1. They have discovered orphan planets in interstellar space that don't have a parent star, they just drift around all lonely for ever. One  speculation is that, their stars went supernova & blew them away, another is that they had a bumps a daisy with another bigger planet that knocked them out of their stars orbit..


    They've also discovered hyper velocity stars whizzing through intergalactic space light years from their nearest galaxy. They speculate that a mega black holes gravity catapulted them out of their home galaxy.. 


    Oh I so love science... 

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  2. Came home from line dancing last night & the sky was lit up with green & Pink'ish streaks, you see it really well even with the LED street lights & security lights blazing away. Was stood out the back till it suddenly vanished. Hope it fires up again tonight... 

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  3. Was in bed Sunday night & rumbling thunder had woke me up: there was the brightest flash & instant bang I've ever experienced, house & car alarms were going mad. Looked out & streetlights were still on, but our electric RCD breaker had tripped, clicked it back on & all seemed OK & tried to get some sleep. In morning went to go online & router was flashing green light & no internet or landline phone but TV OK. On Monday got through to virgin on my mobile & they said lightning damage to their street cabinet & would phone me when fixed. They phoned & said should be OK now, but green light still flashing & no internet. Virgin bloke came yesterday morning with new router & was back on inline, said lightning had fried the gubbins in the router, also several neighbours had blown as well. Monday night our string of lights round the back garden didn't come on, presume the lightning has buggered them as well...

  4. Gold radio/GEM AM on 999 Khz/301 metres medium wave from Trowel/Balloon woods transmitter will shut down on 30'th June.... It first fired up on 3'rd July 1975 as Radio Trent: Nottingham's first commercial radio station, it was also on 96.2 FM. In 1988 the frequencies split & 999 Khz/301 metres medium wave  became GEM AM an oldies station, & Radio Trent carried on on FM. In the mid/late 90's it became Classic Gold Radio. Gold Radio carries on on Digital radio & online, lucky for me I bought a digital radio last month. End of an ear though...   

  5. My brother in law is a taxi driver & has Northern Irish non year number plates so his punters don't know the age of his car... Couple who used to live opposite us Maralin & Wayne had MAZ **** & WAZ ****, their son had a Northern Irish plate as well... Keep saying I'm going to buy a cheap Northern Irish to pretend my 17 reg car is newer, but never got round to it...

  6. Lowest number old style plates I've had is AVO 15B, H41 VAU & G87 ACH, I've had new style FH10 + 3 random letters & my present one Fe17 **Z. Dad had 74 GNN & GWA 1C, he was always going to sell GWA 1C but never did & took it to the scrapyard on Moor Road Bestwood Village & got £15 for it... 

  7. The astronomers had been watching a very massive star that was acting very weird, they were expecting it to go supernova at any time, but, to their surprise, it vanished, leaving them scratching their heads. They're speculating that the star went straight to a black hole. Usually when a star runs out of fuel the collapsing stuff rushes into the middle of the star & rebounds causing the supernova explosion, but if the stars mass is big enough the collapsing stuff goes straight into the giant hoover bag of the newly created black hole & is gone for ever. I so love reading about these sort of things...

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  8. My most stressful motorway driving for me was when I was taking the advanced driving part (part 2) of the driving intructors  tests: The chief examiner told me to drive from 27 & come off at 25 & back towards the city through Clifton. Got up to 70 MPH & in lane 3 (as it was back then) overtaking other traffic when just before 26 we hit a jam & stopped, then stop/go at a snails pace. As time was getting on he asked me to come off at 26, so I had to get over to lane 2, then lane 1 for the slip road, so left hand flasher & hope someone lets me in, which they did - eventually, then did the urban part of the test in Beeston & Lenton Abbey. He passed me so I must have done things right, phew...

  9. Thursday morning Pix came in a bit upset = part of his tail was black (he's ginger & white) & he squealed when we touched it. Took him to the vets & it's a burn, vet shaved the fur off & you could see it was a burn, he gave us some pain meds for him. We think his tail must have rubbed up against a hot exhaust or catalytic converter from a recently parked car. He'd been a bit quite but seems to be getting better as he's been playing with his raggety toy mouse that he loves... 

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  10. When I was in the army on exercise's we'd have egg banjos, (fried eggs sunny side up in a sandwich) they were delish, often the egg yolk would run down your chin...  BeeKay. Like the idea of corned beef with egg & chips, not sure about the gravy though. My wife has gravy on fish cake & chips, ugh, lol...  

  11. After mentions of egg & chips in my post about gas cookers I've started a thread on it.... I LOVE egg & chips,to me it's a comfort food & so simple to cook. Sometimes I buy a bag of chips from the chippy & fry a couple of eggs, might have to warm the chips up in the microwave but hey so what. Mam would often give us egg & chips when I was a kid, wonder what the health police would make of that nowadays? 

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