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Posts posted by colly0410

  1. In some papers & websites that gas cookers cause excess indoor pollution making asthma & chest problems worse. I have a gas hob & everywhere else I've lived had a gas cooker. I haven't got asthma or chest problems, mind you I've never smoked, but Mam was a heavy smoker & my ex live in girlfriend was as well. New York, LA & Berkeley have banned gas cookers in new builds. Wonder how long it'll be before we ban gas cookers as well? 

  2. Ukraine has pushed Russia out of Kharkiv - hooray. So is this the start of a Ukraine victory? I'm thinking not. I recon it'll eventually end up with Russia keeping most of the Donbas & Crimea with some kind of negotiated settlement - that's if Putin doesn't go madder that he already is & uses nukes...  

  3. I could have done with AC on Monday & Tuesday as I kept having mega hot flushes caused by the ADT/hormone therapy I'm on for my prostate cancer, I had 2 fans blowing on me all day & night.... We had an AC unit in our room when we were in Florida, it was noisy so we had it on full blast all day & turned it off at night, it'd start getting warm about 8/9 AM so we'd turn it on again & go down for our breakfast. The AC also had a heat setting on it, but I don't know if it was reverse cycle or just had some heating elements in it & became a big fan heater...

  4. On 6/9/2022 at 1:04 PM, Cliff Ton said:

    On the subject of kettles, does anyone still have steam whistling kettles ?   We always had one when I was young.


    No electricity or anything else involved.


    Yes me. Got through 3 electric kettles that went phut in 5/6 years & I got fed up of buying new ones: Found the whistling kettle we used to use for camping yonks ago & just put it on the gas hob & use that now. Our cat pix couldn't care less when it boils. When we had a power cut I was boiling water for the neighbours as they all have electric cookers/hobs, we're the only one with a gas hob... 

  5. Further to the comments up-thread about the great void in space where there's nowt there, there's a thing called the Great attractor in the Virgo & Hydra-Centaurus super-clusters that's pulling everything towards it. It lies about 150 - 250 million light years from the Milky Way, which is it's self being pulled towards it. The boffins have zero idea what the Great Attractor is, but it must have lots & lots & lots of mass. I suspect it could be a super gigantic mega massive black hole. Problem is it lies behind the central bulge of the Milky Way, so the Great Attractor can't be directly observed from earth. Something else to think about when I can't sleep...      

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  6. 20 hours ago, Brew said:


    For those too lazy to look for themselves, I've done it for you:

    The Prince of Wales is wearing the following medals (ordered from left to right):

    • Queen’s Service Order (New Zealand)
    • Coronation Medal
    • Silver Jubilee Medal
    • Golden Jubilee Medal
    • Diamond Jubilee Medal
    • Naval Long Service Good Conduct (LSGC) (three additional service bars)
    • Canadian Forces Decoration (three additional service bars)
    • The New Zealand Commemorative Medal
    • New Zealand Armed Forces Award

    He also wears the Order of Bath around his neck, the Order of Merit badge, the Order of the Garter sash, the Order of the Garter badge, and the Order of the Thistle star.

    Charles also wore the Garter Star, the most prestigious British order of chivalry, which he was awarded in 1958.

    He served in both the Navy and Air Force. He also qualified as a helicopter pilot.


    You're welcome.


    I did my army service on Salisbury Plains & exercises in Warcop, Thetford, Sennybridge & Otterburn, then I was based in Munster-lager West Germany. & the medals I received = none at all. I can get a cold war medal but I'll have to pay for it myself. Mind you I didn't see any action (unless you include the punch-ups in the pubs, lol) or do anything brave, bravest thing I've ever done is answer my wife back... 

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  7. When I worked at QMC we were told to never call anyone "duck" as in "would you like a cup of tea me duck?" Can't remember anyone taking any notice though & no one ever complained to gaffers AFAIK..... When on an underground visit to the National Mining Museum near Wakefield my wife called me duck & the guide took the micky out of us. Mind you he took the mickey out of me big time when he learn't I was on the underground loco's down Hucknall pit: he kept shining his light at me & asking if I was still awake? The cheeky so-&-so... 

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  8. Had a phone consultation earlier re my prostate cancer after I finished radiotherapy last December. Result of my blood test last week is the PSA is undetectable, so I'm in remission, will still be having ADT injections every 3 months until June 2023 to mop up any metastasis's that might be lurking somewhere. I will also have to have 6 monthly PSA tests for the rest of my life so they know if it comes back...  

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  9. Meadows library was my haunt when I was a kid, it's where I first got books on space, not black holes though as they didn't seem to know about them back then, but everything else about space & science I could find, I'd also borrow New Scientist & Scientific American mags,I read those online now though. When we moved to Bestwood Village it was Bulwell or Hucknall libraries I'd usually frequent, now I live in Hucknall it's usually the same libraries. If I got dragged down town by wife to go shopping I'd go to central library to get their latest books on black holes & quantum physics, but of course it's not there anymore as it's shut down so that's that... 

  10. Re Bidens remark: I read John Majors autobiography where he said "in international relations you can think what you want as PM, but say what the diplomats tell you to say in public." Think Biden had forgotten that rule & his diplomats were doing their nuts behind the scenes...

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  11. Jill... I'd love for them to find evidence of intelligent life somewhere in the universe. But I wouldn't want to send messages or advertise our presence to them as they could be unfriendly, & if they're more advanced than us it could be a disaster for us & other life forms on earth, Stephen Hawking touched on this when he said "white Europeans making contact with native Americans wasn't good news for them." Hopefully we'll learn from history - but I wouldn't bet on it 

  12. The science magazine's & website's have been going on about 'Odd Radio Circles,' these appear to be as they say on the tin - a diffuse area of radio waves about a million light years across. They seem have a central galaxy at the centre that also have an active super massive black hole in them, they've discovered 5 so far, & speculate that more must exist out there... 



  13. When I was going through my radiotherapy Royston'd phone or send a message most days asking how it went, & tell me about what side effects he'd had & when they came on. He had 37 RT sessions & I only had 20, but my daily radiation dose of 3Gy's (300 rads) was almost double his of 1.6 Gy's, we never found out why the difference. He was taking part in a trial of insulin for ongoing prostate cancer treatment, he was in the control group that didn't receive insulin. He persuaded me to take part in a Southampton Uni thing where I fill in a tick box survey of how I'm going on every 6 months, so I'm doing something useful thanks to Royston...

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  14. I've made a few FB friends through Nottstalgia site & thanks to those who set it up... I saw one of Roy's posts on the Trent Bridge site & he asked for me by name & that was it. When we got together in Hastings it was like we had seen each other only last last month, where as actually we hadn't seen each other since 1968, my wife & he got on really well. We were planning on having another get together but Covid messed our plans up, & now it wont happen...

  15. Roystons partner has phoned me to tell me forum member Royston Bakewell has died. He was a good friend of mine all the time we were at Trent Bridge juniors & seniors. I lost touch with him after we left school, he asked after me in a post on the Trent Bridge topic page & I contacted him through the personal message app on here. We became facebook friends & would yabber about stuff all the time. When we went to Hastings on hols we'd spend some time together as he lived nearby..... He was an inspiration for me when I was diagnosed with prostate cancer last June as he'd had it himself & been through the ADT & radiotherapy treatment & explained what would be happening, he finished his ADT treatment the same month I started mine..... Going to miss you my friend, RIP...       

  16. I never in a thousand years thought I'd see something like this in a modern oh so civilised Europe. When it is eventually all over (whenever that is) the Ukrainian economy will be totally ruined & will take many years to recover. & no Russian leader will ever be trusted again as Putin has told so many lie's. Also western counties will be very cautious about trading with Russia again so their economy will be chockered as well. Of course there could also be unforeseen consequences of this horrible war to come further down the line...  

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