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Everything posted by CLARE1

  1. CLARE1


    Thank you for your reply. I have to say that even on a beautiful sunny day like yesterday, I could have weeped at some of the sights I saw. The Broad Marsh Centre was a particular low for me. I remember catching a free return bus from Victoria Centre to Broad Marsh back in the day, along with all the other happy shoppers. Today, it seemed to be just a thoroughfare for people getting from A to B who had zero interest in the dismal array of shops left. I am no doubt part of the problem for why the British High Street is in such dire straits as I prefer to order pretty much everything online
  2. CLARE1


    Sorry if I have posted this in the wrong section, this is my first post, so be kind please! Visited Nottingham, my home town yesterday and felt sad at how the city centre's shops now look. When I left in 2006 the place was a shopper's paradise but now there is just a mass of shops to let, banks, coffee shops, restaurants and charity shops. Realise that this is a nationwide problem but was shocked at how I had basically seen everything I needed to in 1 hour whilst once upon a time I would need more like 5. As I had a few hours to kill before I caught my train back home, I ventured up De