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Everything posted by tambourine2

  1. hi tambourine2,this is the 2nd time i have sent this message. somehow it finished up on my profile.if you get this go to my profile to read it i am sure i am doing somethig wrong.i will get a friend to teach how to post correctly soon.dude from niagara

  2. hi tambourine2,thanks for your message.iam a computer novice,i really dont know what i am doing half the time, it is confusing at times.hopefully this gets to you ok.gord (the dude from niagara)

  3. From tambourine2 Susyshoes I am a woman! OK here we go. the two driveways formed a semi circle to meet at the Hall. Main drive way nice red gravel you came to Hall side entrance in front of which was a huge lawn where garden parties were held. In my day called Fete and Gala's. Sir Lancelot,(Rolleston) mainly opened these. There were egg and spoon races if it was easter, punch and Judy and such like. The chauffeur for the Rollestons made ice cream which was sometimes good other times horrible. The Rolleston's had a Rolls Royce about 1930 vintage - they were never driven at more than 2
  4. A lot to tell. In the fifties I cycled around Nttm as a district nurse. So you see I am an old womane, not that conversant with the iternet, if I make mistakes you will know why. Have only just found this site and very pleased I did. Came to the land of OZ in1961. Enough 'abaht me sen"
  5. Yes, I knew Watnall Hall well. It had beautiful grounds. The main gateway was at the junction of Trough road and Main St. There was a 'Lodge' then it stretched down the Main St. to the tradesmen entrance opposite the road leading to WATNALL pit.I can tell you alot more if you want to know. From tambourine2 in Australia