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Posts posted by mudgie49

  1. 2004 was the last time we had hurricanes come inland here in Florida,we had 3 in 12 weeks.

    What we seem to have lately are tropical storms,with tremendous amounts of rain falling in a few hours.

    I watched an interesting report last week,saying the polar ice caps have a massive amount of new ice.!!

    The planet has a way of adjusting to abnormalities in weather cycles,I find it hard to buy into the 'man made' warming of the planet.

    I think you have to look at who is pushing this agenda,and their reason for doing so.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Money don't get every thing it's true,but what it don't get I can't use,so give me money.

    So are we back to posting politics and politicians?,it all ends up with,corruption,lies,greed,and self promotion.

    Democracy - A form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people.

    Nice sounding words.I wonder when,or if this will ever happen in the so called civilized world.

    • Upvote 2
  3. After a visit to my Oncologist last week,there was a tumor that had grown swiftly in the last six months,surgery in a couple of weeks,again.

    The reason for my posting is,I implore any member that has any kind of persistent ache or pain,no matter how big or small,please have it checked out,better safe than sorry.

    We male members in our mid 60's,seem to be at our most vulnerable at this age.Don't use 'getting older',to excuse any aches or pains,go for a CT scan,or an MRI.

    • Upvote 3
  4. There was a huge migration of Europeans in the 1840s',due to various wars in Europe.

    Re #1,I have always thought France to be the'traditional enemy'of England.

    We have a friend who is Argentinian,of German immigrant stock. I will have to call him to see who he's rooting for!

  5. I joined 3 years ago this month,after following a link on Friends United,never been back there since.

    Said it more than once, terrific site, wonderful people,very informative,long may it last.Thank's to Mick and his crew,for the time and energy they put into it,and a thank-you to CliffTon for all the photo's.

    • Upvote 4
  6. Back in the early 80's, I worked with 'disturbed adolescent kids', 12 - 18 years old.The majority of them had been sexually abused,in most cases by a family member, or a friend of the family.

    All but a few of the cases I dealt with,had the same reason for not telling any adult.Their life,or the life of a younger sibling,or their mother was threatened by the perpetrator.

    These kids had suffered for years, alone and in fear.It is no wonder they were 'disturbed',having to deal with everyday life ,and at the same time the sexual abuse.