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Posts posted by mudgie49

  1. The first record I bought was ' The Buddy Holly Story' in 1961/62, I think. An LP with all of his well known hits. I still have a copy in CD format.

    Buying singles,(first one 'Runaway' Del Shannon), was an addiction every Saturday afternoon, on the way home from my ' delivery boy' job at BPS green grocers.

    Going off topic, there is a thread some where about jeans we use to wear as young teenagers, I could not remember the brand name of my first pair of jeans, they were 'Lee Cooper', ice blue with 3 inch turn-ups.That came into my head while remembering ' stuff ' I bought with my 15/- delivery job wage.

  2. Yesterday at mid morning it was 78 f, at the same time today it was 39 f, with the wind chill. I had to wear ' winter clothing' this morning ( jeans, socks and a sweater), and put the heating on.

    Dug out the duvet for tonight, the weather man says it will last for the next few days, but that will be the last of the 'Winter weather', back to seasonal weather by the week-end.

    If 'they' have cracked weather manipulation,I don't think they will let us know untill we are in the grips of a 'new ice-age', then blame it on ' global warming'.

  3. In my humble opinion, the English people have an in- built part of their character that is the same as our parents and grand parents.Nottingham folks have a history of doing this,at the eleventh hour.

    Don't sell yourselves short, plenty of others are in line to do just that.

    Raise the flag and man the barricades,I'll come back to defend the 'rights and freedom' of any Englishman.

  4. Most men that have an ache or a pain,usually just ignore the pain and hope it will go away.It seems that most of the male members are in their mid 60's.That is a critical age for things to happen..

    If you have an ache or pain that is prolonged,or keeps returning, I implore you to go get it checked out, if not for yourself, then do it for your family.

    We have spent years taking care of growing families, now it's time to take care of our selves.I wish you all the best of health.

  5. Bilbraborn, in answer to your question, yes there is a veterans organization.

    The veterans are partly funded by the government, and have some good veterans hospitals, but there is a serious shortage of mental health facilities.

    Most of the young veterans that are homeless, suffer with mental health issues, these young men have had 3,4,and even 5 tours of duty in Iraq, Afghanistan, some served in both places.

    It's not surprising that they cannot come to terms with their experiences.The veterans organization do the best they can, but they are woefully under funded,a movement began a couple of years ago called 'Wounded Warriors'it is funded by public donations,and to date is doing great.Long may it continue.

    • Upvote 1
  6. My wife and I spend Christmas day at the local homeless shelter, helping to cook, and serve a good traditional dinner.

    It is so rewarding to see the look on the faces of these unfortunate people,to know that some people care about them and their troubles.

    After the dinner is finished and the clearing up is done, we hand out gifts, and have a good sing-song.

    The cost,is a day out of our lives, and some TLC,but the reward is priceless.

    What disturbs me,each year we get more young people turning up, and many of them are Afghanistan and Iraq veterans.

    • Upvote 4
  7. One way to check your prostrate, is a physical examination, no pain, just a little bit of discomfort,for a couple of minutes.

    I was diagnosed with renal cancer in 2004, 4 weeks later I had my left kidney removed, it was enveloped by a large tumor,the cancer went into remission.In 2009 5 small nodules were discovered, 2 on the bottom right lung and 3 on the right of my diaphragm, I was closely monitored for six months,one of the nodules grew large enough to do a biopsy,it turned out positive as renal cancer.

    Then came two bouts of chemotherapy, and radiation treatment, and finally, surgery to remove the nodules, it was successful, no cancer.

    Halfway through my treatment, my Urologist discovered I had a double hernia, that is going to be fixed next Thursday.

    The reason I wrote this post is,I never knew anything was wrong with me, there was no pain or any sign that I had a huge tumor growing around my left kidney,I was doing all the normal every day things.So my humble advice to the male members who are getting to be old farts, get yersen checked out,I thought I was a healthy young man of 55.