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Posts posted by NewBasfordlad

  1. Going like a dream Compo, but the toms are late this year, with that bad start to the season I reckon on a month late.


    Still the Mini Munch cumbers are producing like sting. I grew them for the first time last year, liked the taste and was surprised by the yield, thought it might be a fluke, but no its the same this year. Folks are now steering clear of me otherwise they get weighed down with cumbers.

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  2. It was the death of Neil Moss that led to the formation of the DCRO so some good came out of that tragedy.


    I was on Mossdale in 67, volunteers from DCRO travelled up there. I was not underground but surface support on that one, just not experienced enough to go underground.


    As an aside I read that Bill Whitehouse whom you know has been awarded an MBE for his years given to the CRO. I was in Eldon PC with Bill back in the 60s and bugger me he is still going although in an admin role.

  3. 2 hours ago, colly0410 said:

    Yes Salisbury Plains & Sennybridge rain is especially cold, Munster-lager rain not far behind. Did the Army choose cold damp climate places for their camps to toughen us up? Makes you wonder..


    Nah mate they chose them places because they were cheap or in some cases free.


    Did you notice all major exercise's were Sept or Oct never June or July the buggers wanted you cold and wet.


    Did you do Crusader 80 that was a big EX but good fun, can't remember it raining once.

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  4. Ours didn't even have electric heaters just a central pot bellied stove and a ration of coke that was Larkhill 72, spent a week there practicing an 'advance in review order' for the Queen Mum, she came on the Saturday and it pissed down...... nowt Like Salisbury Plain rain..................

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  5. Great pics yet again.


    That 432 brings back some memories, worst track vehicle I ever drove just couldn't get on with the auto gear box.


    And two of my favourite machine guns both Browning's one a 30-06 1919 as we used on the Saladin range of motors and 50cal the most destructive machine gun I have ever fired, that thing would knock down a brick wall at a mile.

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  6. ^^^^^^^^^^ Similar scam to the grocer on Mansfield road near Winchester street, local grown and organic signs all over his displays. My lad who lives on Winchester street used buy from him regularly, until one day he pointed him out to me in Makro with two trolley's full of fruit and veg.

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  7. His modest got him into hot water once BRAC (Brigadier Royal Armoured Corp) attended an officers function as usual Patrick didn't wear his medals he had forgotten BRAC was to be there. He got a dressing down in the corridor unknowing to them it was overhead by the cooks.

  8. Being in the SRY had its perks, when I bought my first house it was Major Peter Allen of Warren and Allen that did all the paper work, that was another one on the list of 'large scotch please' type chaps.


    As to your Patrick Jill, I look over my shoulder of a print taken from a painting commissioned by the SRY Sgts mess for his retirement parade in 1979.  He joined the regiment in 1935 and he is shown in full dress uniform surrounded by moments in his career from a mounted officer ready to entrain down through France in 1939 to the desert war with the SRY and LRDG and then every armoured vehicle up to the date of his retirement.


    Did you know he won the MD amongst other awards.


    And before anyone asks, yes the regiment did go to war in 1939 on horse back with rifles and sabres.

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  9. Phil, sorry but Pat died a few years back.


    He was a great soldier to serve under he knew every mans name and was courteous to a fault. In WW11 he served in the desert with the LRDG and had something to do with the development of the sun compass. Later he fought with the SRY from Normandy on.


    I first met him in the autumn of 72 when I had yet again had a run in with the tax man. Earlier in the year I had to go to a tribunal, if I remember correctly on Friar Lane and having joined the SRY in 71 when I dressed I put on my regimental tie, you got to try and make an impression, anyway things went OK and I was happy with the out come.


    Roll on to the El Alamein annual ball in the autumn and after dinner I noticed the Honorary Colonel making a beeline for me. Nervously I bade him good evening to which he replied "Good evening trooper Harris, you owe me a large scotch" it was only then I recognised him from said tribunal.


    After that is was an annual thing every El Alamein  ball I bought Pat his large scotch, and was privileged to be in charge of his lance guard when he retired.

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