Merthyr Imp

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Posts posted by Merthyr Imp

  1. #227


    East Midland were based in Chesterfield and had just the one route into Nottingham - the 12A as shown, which ran to Chesterfield.

    This is one of my oldest photos, probably dating to 1963, showing one of their then-new Albion (Leyland) Lowlanders on the 12A. It was around that time one of those operated on loan to NCT to act as a demonstration vehicle for the type, but of course none were purchased.



  2. I perhaps should have mentioned that Clarice and Peter Chew were both performers with the Society, Peter taking the part of Cox on this occasion. He is also listed as being a member of the Society's committee. Clarice was amongst the ladies of the chorus for 'Pirates'.

  3. Following that fortnight at the Theatre Royal I became something of a D'Oyly Carte 'groupie', in the next year or so travelling to see performances at places such as London, Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester and even Oxford. 


    Back in Nottingham, in the company's absence during 1971 I had to settle for other productions, including the first of the West Bridgford Operatic Society's annual productions I went to. Nottingham Operatic, of course, performed at least once a year at the Theatre Royal, but in my time (1970s/80s) they never did anything by Gilbert & Sullivan. The West Bridgford society did nothing else at that time, performing at the Co-Operative Arts Theatre on George Street, where I went in April 1971.




    They followed the D'Oyly Carte line in presenting 'Cox & Box' (words actually by F. C. Burnand rather than W. S. Gilbert) as a curtain-raiser to 'The Pirates of Penzance'.


    Here's a page of adverts - I remember it was James millinery shop where I had to get my ticket from.






    • Upvote 1
  4. 7 hours ago, Oztalgian said:

    Can any football expert on here tell my why the referees do not crack down on all the shirt pulling, arm holding, and general obstruction that goes on at corner kicks and free kicks into the penalty area.


    Actually they've been instructed to do so this season, but of course all the players and managers (especially Mark Hughes) are moaning about it when something is given against their team.

  5. Ah, I see!  When you said at post #28 there was a 'read status' option along the top I didn't realise you meant AFTER going to Unread Content.


    I'll give that a go, but at first sight it does seem to involve extra steps to get to something that was there in front of you on the old site.

  6. 13 hours ago, Enigma. said:

    i dont know what device you are using to access these forums but along the top there is a read status option and by choosing everything will show you what you previously read and other threads 


    If you mean where it says 'All Activity' I'm aware of that, but it means trawling down through maybe more than one page to find the same thing again - something we didn't have to do under the old system as we could go straight to the same topic.


  7. When you say 'delete the little cross in the top left corner' you mean put the cursor on it and press the Delete key on the keyboard?  I've just found that's what works for me - I was expecting to be able to right-click and find a delete option.


    How much better it would have been if those providing this new version of the site had incorporated some sort of simple user's guide on it somewhere.


    Simple users like me would have found it very useful.

  8. 1 hour ago, Enigma. said:

    e you tried using the unread content option ? - i dont use anything else and it works for me - i can skip by threads click on the ones that interest me 




    The trouble there (which we didn't have under the old system) is if you read something and a little later want to go back to it. As it's no longer under unread content it's not so straightforward to find it again

    • Upvote 1
  9. 50 minutes ago, Cliff Ton said:
    50 minutes ago, Cliff Ton said:


    If I click on the Quote word I just get one quote box. And if I click on it twice I get two boxes of the same size going down the page; I can't even deliberately get the box-in-a-box-in-a-box effect.



    I've seen you do that before, but as no-one else seems to achieve the effect I wonder what the cause is ?


    If I click on the Quote word I just get one quote box. And if I click on it twice I get two boxes of the same size going down the page; I can't even deliberately get the box-in-a-box-in-a-box effect.




    I don't know if it happens when anyone else does it, but I've just confirmed what I thought was happening by doing this experiment:


    I clicked on Quote as usual - and it would have been fine if I'd then written something and then done the posting. But I then actually went out of the site completely - closed the tab - then went into the site again.  Now I've clicked on Quote again and this is the result. I can edit the text in either of the two quotes, including removing it, but I can't readily see how to get ride of the two quote boxes. If I was to close it again and re-open it I'd be faced with THREE lots of the above.


    No doubt - I hope - there is a way around this, but I've better things to do than delve around trying to find out ways of negating something that didn't happen with the old site.

  10. 38 minutes ago, The Engineer said:
    38 minutes ago, The Engineer said:
    38 minutes ago, The Engineer said:

    We each had to find our way around the old user interface and in time we shall get used to this one; don't be too surprised if you (eventually) decide that this interface is better than the old one.




    As I indicated above, my concern is the number of people who may decide - or have already decided - they can't get used to the new version and give up on the site altogether.


    And it's difficult to come to the conclusion that an interface which produces that effect with the quoting is better than the old one (which didn't). 

    • Upvote 1
  11. And a week or so ago in another thread mick2me said:


    'The bottom line of this update is, you WILL have to have it eventually.'


    I wonder how many have decided they WON'T have it and are not bothering with Nottstalgia any more.  Users of the site may be reduced to those of us who are keen enough to make the best we can of the changes, eventually to be gradually boosted by new people discovering it for the first time who had no experience of it before.


    • Upvote 2
  12. Untitled-Scanned-01_zps696n0pqx.jpg


    Looking back it seems to have been a long time before my next theatre trip but it was only three years later, and it was when my theatre-going seemed to really begin.


    I wasn't sure whether Gilbert & Sullivan might be considered a little uninteresting and highbrow on this Forum, but in view of certain recent posts some may think it rather lowbrow!


    Anyway, I've always enjoyed the catchy tunes and humour, and can remember the days when Uncle Mac used to play 'A Policeman's Lot' and G & S would even turn up on such programmes as 'Family Favourites'. I thought about going when D'Oyly Carte visited the Theatre Royal in 1968 but didn't, however I took the plunge two years later when their next visit coincided with the first Nottingham Festival. I was completely hooked, partly with the whole theatrical experience and went to more performances than originally intended.


    Presented in repertory over the fortnight beginning 13th July 1970 were:


    The Yeomen of the Guard

    The Mikado

    Trial by Jury & HMS Pinafore (double bill)


    The Gondoliers

    Cox & Box and The Pirates of Penzance (double bill)


    I'm not sure whether any of the performers' names will be known - there were no stars as such, and the principal artistes were listed in alphabetical order (although with the gentlemen taking precedence over the ladies!) followed by the small-part players.


    I say there were no stars, but one or two of the names may be known, e.g. John Reed who played the principal comedy parts and as far as I'm concerned had more talent in his little finger than many much better known TV stars then or since.




    I booked seats for some performances in advance but mostly went in the Gallery (the 'Gods') where at that time you just paid as you went in at the entrance round the side towards where the Empire used to be. There was usually a queue before the doors opened half an hour before curtain up, and after handing over your 4/- at the pay box it was a mad scramble up the stone steps to get a good seat. I well remember my first experience of the Gods, being almost scared to move for fear of falling over the edge - standing up for the National Anthem (which was played prior to the performance in those days) was the worst part.  But as I've written elsewhere, after going a few times and finding I still hadn't fallen over the edge I began to realise I wasn't going to and the height ceased to bother me.  However, I much preferred to be on the front row as sitting elsewhere made my back ache with nothing to lean against - at least on the front row there was the option of leaning forward.


    This is the only picture I've seen showing the old Gallery:




    Finally, here's a page advertising some of the restaurants of those days:





    • Upvote 1
  13. 55 minutes ago, Cliff Ton said:




    As I said in #93 and #96, the thing which irritates me is the software concentration on Posts rather than Threads. It takes longer to catch up with everything that's happened since the last visit. And things drop down the list of "recent activity" much faster than they used to. I get the feeling that anything I post will disappear from people's attention much more quickly than previously.


    Well, as I've said elsewhere I go to 'Unread Content' first to see if anything's new rather than look through everything under 'All Activity'.


    The only drawback is that if you look at anything under 'Unread Content' and then want to go back to it you obviously can't find it again the same way as it's no longer Unread!

  14. 23 minutes ago, benjamin1945 said:
    21 minutes ago, benjamin1945 said:
    21 minutes ago, benjamin1945 said:
    21 minutes ago, benjamin1945 said:
    21 minutes ago, benjamin1945 said:
    21 minutes ago, benjamin1945 said:
    23 minutes ago, benjamin1945 said:

    can't explain it but I feel less connected now,and less inclined to post,.........just feel somethings missing......does anyone else feel the same way?.......












    21 minutes ago, benjamin1945 said:
    23 minutes ago, benjamin1945 said:
    23 minutes ago, benjamin1945 said:
    23 minutes ago, benjamin1945 said:
    23 minutes ago, benjamin1945 said:
    23 minutes ago, benjamin1945 said:










    23 minutes ago, benjamin1945 said:

    can't explain it but I feel less connected now,and less inclined to post,.........just feel somethings missing......does anyone else feel the same way?.......


    This is fun, isn't it?  Never had this trouble with the old site.


    But having finally got the quote from benjamin1945 that I wanted, my response to what he said is:


    Yes - to an extent, but I'm going to stick with it despite wondering whether some people may be drifting away.

    • Upvote 2
  15. When I used to get items from the USA on Ebay or otherwise I used to specify Surface Mail, which used to take around 4 to 6 weeks but was a lot cheaper than Air Mail.  But I'm not sure if they still call it that - is there an option for postage which doesn't include the word 'Priority'? What used to be Surface Mail may now be called 'First Class'.